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Question by sexton: any ideas on how to learn metaphysics on my own?
Mainly about Spiritual Counseling,I really want to see if this is what I want to do

Best answer:

Answer by whatever
go outside and pray

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to any ideas on how to learn metaphysics on my own?

  • snuh_playa says:

    Just make stuff up that has no basis in actual physics and you have metaphysics mastered.

  • tanzer360 says:

    Like everyone else who does this type of stuff…you just need to make it as you go along.

  • toxickmagician says:

    Just research on the topic. Learn how other people go about working with it and immitate their style. Just don’t get sucked in and actually believe what you read and preached. It will pollute your mind with junk. Just help other people believe it and play on their need to understand the unknown…

  • Spark says:

    Smoke weed 🙂

  • mike c says:

    first define what is metaphysics means.
    if you like ppl or listening to ppl then you can do a spiritual counseling for ppl likewise you must know how to listen to yourself.
    if its for your personal metaphysics dont take it seriously try to expand your activities get a hobby,exercise whatever keep on learning its the key to survival.

  • Cosmicbrat says:

    You can’t learn metaphysics entirely on your own… It would take an individual life time of about 1500-years to learn it all, solo… and that would require that the student of life somehow manage to stumble upon all of Life’s key triggers… And even then it’s really pushin’ it…

    A lot of things happened to me in my lifetime, that set me up as a master in then metaphysics.. and still I have a lot to learn…

    When I was 3-months old I was sexually molested by a priest relative… In that I downloaded all what he read in Rome’s restricted libraries as treasurer for the now defunct Obelisk Monks order… I have conscious access to all that data…

    I sustained seven over the line and back so called “near death accidents, in which I had to direct the “phoenix process” to remain with the living…

    A 30-year study of those 7 NDE’s taught me a lot…

    I studied Karate, Yoga, Judo, TaiChi, and the bases and ceilings of all religions, and all sciences…

    I met a Bigfoot adolescent female in a quiet forest.. She paralyzed me, and scanned my memories, which gave me the opportunity to scan their massive unconscious collective… I learned a lot from them… They are ten times smarter than us… They taught me 360-degree telepathy… They invited me to a birthing, to teach them how it’s done…

    I learned how to hypnotize a square-mile of turbulent ocean shore line, to make the water sleep, to be as calm as glass is smooth, for as long as the little bit of anger, and the six extreme focuses are maintained…

    I learned to do “hands-on healing”.. but it is exclusively restricted to immediate family.. because I seem to take-on some of the patient’s dis-ease…

    “Uncle” Merlin placed a ruby on my chest when I was a baby, and I watched it sink into my chest, and disappear…

    I hear animal’s sounds in English… I taught an adult female wild grizzly-bear to speak rough English… Cops shot her after she used rough English to order a solo female hiker, “Get out of my forest!”…

    The 111-year old First Nations Shaman, who walked to Peru from Alaska, and back, in 37-years, did a soul to soul with me.. in which gave me a full download of his whole life.. essentially giving me his spirit and shamanship, to continue it on… He said his meeting me was like his first drunk on firewater…

    Having been through all that, I still have a lot to learn about metaphysics and Life…

    The biggest, most crucial lessons you can learn in spirituality, metaphysics, and sorcery.. is: Be nice to the little life, and the big life will be nice right back… And, Be nice to each other, and love will happen… Any less is you living in hell on earth…

    You cannot grasp and process any true metaphysics and spirituality without first possessing a strong honest grasp on what be love and respect for All life… You cannot learn metaphysics while you prescribe to any religion… The two are absolutely incompatible, like oil and water…

    Religion strives to suppress metaphysics, because religion fears that if its followers knew the truth, that religion wouldn’t have a place in the future.. so religion’s conditioning maintains the faithful’s mind usage at below 8% mind usage… Should a religious conditioned person attempt to process thought using more than 7% mind usage, they suddenly suffers a migraine… Then when they commence preaching dogma, the body injects a quantity of bio-painkillers into the nervous system, and the person feels stoned on the body’s internal drugs… “praise god”, cries out the drug-stoned Christian…

    For you to learn metaphysics on your own, you must, at the minimum, study your mind’s accesses and abilities daily, a few hours per day for 30-years… Big Job it is… Plus you can’t mention anything of it to anyone, or you will lose all your friends, and your financial standings extremely fast… Metaphysics is the quickest way to alienate you from the rest of the human race… Mankind fears the mind, fears all that is new, fears all that threatens to bring change to the “stagnancy-quo”…

    Biggest thing about metaphysics is you cannot use it to harm Life… Metaphysics is the very core directive of Life… use life to harm life, and you have forfeited the afterlife…

  • Doctor J says:

    Hi Hjehle. Ignore the negative comments from others.

    Follow your heart. Just read! Read everything you can about the ideas that interest you. The more you read, the deeper your understanding will be. As you gain knowledge and understanding about metaphysics you will become clear about the strength of your desire to pursue this field.

    Best wishes and good luck.

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