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Question by LowerClassBrat: Any one know a good tarot spread?
Any one know any good love tarot spread.

Best answer:

Answer by Jbag
yeah, lox and cream cheese or whipped butter, both spread nice.

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3 Responses to Any one know a good tarot spread?

  • SadharaSatguru says:


    Join our forum, there are a few layouts in there!

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  • vid says:

    1. Your past experience
    2. Your current experience
    3. What you want from a relationship
    4. What you need from a relationship
    5. What you have to give to another
    6. Future experience in love (it’s best to state a timeframe so you know when this will happen)

    There are many love spreads out there. You can also make your own spreads to answer your questions.

  • Crystal Star says:

    There are so many great books on spreads that you can really become overwhelmed at times. What a good spread to you is might not be to another. Also, are you asking about one for yourself or for one that you would answer someone elses question? If you are reading for yourself pull one card daily and it should be enough. Or a three card spread is a good way to get some answers too. ( The three positions mean different things for different readings and/or person) This is a tad bit complicated to go into detail in this format. You may also find some spreads on line there are so many informative sites available to us.
    Best wishes in your learning.
    Light, Love and Blessings.
    P.S. The spread is not always changed for “love” it is your thoughts that change on each subject matter. If you are asking about love then watch for the love cards and what falls around them. ( Love cards are usually the cups, hearts, water).

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