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Question by World Funeral: Any particular tarot decks you all recommend?
I’ve studied a lot into witchcraft, power meditations and crystal healing, but I’m completely new to tarot and have actually never used it. I’m interested in learning how though, but there’s so many different decks I really have no clue where to start at. Any particular books and decks someone can recommend? Preferably something a beginner in tarot can get into relatively easily.

Best answer:

Answer by halcon
Rider waite is a good general one to start with, then you can look at others. A lot of books use Rider Waite as their deck for explanations.

We all have different tastes and different cards “speak” to you in different ways.

People use tarot cards in different ways, and I don’t just mean in terms of readings.

They can of course be used for readings in any number of ways, from a simple three card (past present future) to 12 or 15 card spreads depending on your requirements and level of knowledge.

Most people start off by using a book, not just for the spread, but for the analysis too. This is fine, but imo you need to look at, and learn your cards, see what the story is behind them, what do the pictures tell you? Spread them out, look at all the Aces together, or look at a suite together, whatever you prefer.

Have a read of “78 degrees of wisdom” – a tarot classic that will make you look at the cards.

You can also use the cards as a personal development tool, for example, with the Kabbalah. What are the associations between the Tarot and the Kabbalah? Well briefly as I could write a thesis on this, the Tree of Life has 10 sefirot and 22 paths, as these groupings correspond respectively to the Minor Arcana and Major Arcana respectively that make up the structure of the Tarot.

The first tarot deck I ever bought was the classic Rider-Waite, I also have Liber-T, the Tarot of Stars Eternal (based on Crowley’s Thoth Tarot), Greenwood Tarot, The WItches Tarot (also the Witches’ Qabalah book by the same author, Ellen Cannon Reed) – I can recommend the first and last of these (and the attendant books).

The Greenwood Tarot is out of print, and the Liber – T (or the Thoth) are somewhat arcane for a beginner (huh, for anyone, they don’t speak greatly to me, though I find the symbolism fascinating)

Have a look at

Hope this helps


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6 Responses to Any particular tarot decks you all recommend?

  • Black says:

    Always the Rider Waite tarot deck.

    It’s probably the most simplest and accurate, as well as most commonly used. Used by beginners and professionals alike.

    I personally use both Rider Waite and Thoth decks.

    Wiki has a good general map-up:

  • Sonny B says:

    I like the Thoth deck

    A good book is Seventy-eight degrees of wisdom.

  • Hessicia says:

    Robin Wood Its Very colorful and alot thing to look at to decode your reading ,Good Place to start .Then pick a deck that calls to you
    learning the Meaning is the hardest part of tarot
    Check out Cards there are 100s

  • mistyfan69 says:

    Rider Waite tarot deck is easy to understand an I found it very easy to use. As for books I must have bought about eight books. Due to a slight learning disability, I found them difficult. I picked up the “idiots guide to tarot and . . .” This one helped me a lot. It’s like a school work book. It gives you a lot of information on each of the major cards and definitions on the minor cards. It also shows you the celtic spread that most people use as well as a few other spreads. There are a lot of good tarot books out there and a few confusing ones. Go to a book store that you can sit and read. Compare a few books together. Check to make the definitions are similar and take the one with the most descriptions of both normal and reversed definitions.
    I would highly recommend “the Idiot’s guide to tarot and . . .” It just doesn’t talk about tarot but other ways of divination. I don’t remember the full title of the book.
    Good luck. If you need more info you can E mail me or YIM.
    Good luck!!!

  • Wrath says:


    As most have said, the Raider Waite deck is best for beginners, it’s the first deck I started out with. I would suggest when you become more familiar with the Tarot and with much practice, to start looking for a new deck that just speaks and feels right to you. the deck I have formed a bond with would be the Archeon deck.

    For books, I would suggest “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tarot” by Lisa Lenard and “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tarot Spreads” by Carolyn Flynn, just for a start.
    Also, ” Best Tarot Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Learn the Tarot” by Mansino and Pollack, “Learning Tarot Reversals” by Joan Bunning, and “Tarot and the Tree of Life : Finding Everyday Wisdom in the Minor Arcana” By Beth Hanson. I own and have read each of these books to further my knowledge about the Tarot and how to practice Tarot. I believe I bought them at Barns & Nobles and also Joesph Beth Bookstore. Your local libary may carry some Tarot guide books and such.
    But one of the best ways to learn the Tarot is experience and practice. Just study the cards, their meanings, and the symbolism in the pictures. Lay them out and take time to understand them.
    May the Tarot reveal to you, your inner spirtuallity and its wisdom.

  • nariko987 says:

    i recommend Amanda Hall’s beginner Tarot deck and whit her book on how and what the different cards mean named “Simply Tarot Wealth Love Destiny”

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