The most ive seen is 3-4 but it depends cuz their pet points u sacrafice 1 or 2 to do other uber buffs or such i wana try one out but theyre preeety weak with that cloth -_- i love heavy armor dudes or healers who can take a punch!
Nice tanking man. It gets better n better I’m guessing that Necromancer was quite handy. How many pets/demons can a necro control at a time? I know it uses a point system or something. Nice choice of songs btw!
Guardian, Conqs can tank lower lvl but i heard the high end stuff its very hard
Show some real tanking and drop the group members. Rofl.. Guardians ftw.
conq = shammy who thinks he can tank
guard = lols prot war with full t10
that boss isn’t bugged anymore, just fyi
Conqueror = Ret Paladin trying to tank
Guardian = Prot Warrior
Conquerors get beat on, even with speccing to tank because the lack of a shield.
What is the best tank?
Conqueror or Guardian
NIce Tank!
This reminds me of a WoW ersion of diablo 1
Its a blue but i replaced it at the end with the Last boss now that was a sick two hander blue mace ^_^
What weapon are you using? and where did you get it?
Evanescence – Fallen ) Linkin Park – Breaking the habit
The most ive seen is 3-4 but it depends cuz their pet points u sacrafice 1 or 2 to do other uber buffs or such i wana try one out but theyre preeety weak with that cloth -_- i love heavy armor dudes or healers who can take a punch!
Yea its sanctum i loved it ^_^
song plz?
Nice tanking man. It gets better n better
I’m guessing that Necromancer was quite handy. How many pets/demons can a necro control at a time? I know it uses a point system or something. Nice choice of songs btw!
I haven’t gotten around to do any instance yet but guessing this is Sanctum if it’s around lv 40?
Looking to try it out and it seems really cool.