Apologetics in the Roman Empire: Pagans, Jews, and Christians
This book is a comprehensive survey of the dialogue between pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Roman empire up to the time when Constantine declared himself a Christian. Each chapter is written by a distinguished scholar and is devoted to a single text or group of texts with the aim of identifying the probable audience, the literary milieu, and the circumstances that led to this form of writing.brIntroduction: Apologetics in the Roman WorldbrThe Acts of the Apostles as an Apologetic TextbrJosephus’ TreatiseemAgainst Apion/embrTalking at Trypho: Christian Apologetic as Anti-Judaism in Justin’semDialogue with Trypho the Jew/embrGreek Apologists of the Second CenturybrLatin Christian Apologetics: Minucius Felix, Tertullian, and CyprianbrOrigen’s TreatiseemAgainst Celsus/embrDefending Hellenism: Philostratus,emIn Honour of Apollonius/embrThe Flowering of Latin Apologetic: Lactantius and ArnobiusbrEusebius’ Apologetic WritingsbrThe Constantine Circle and theemOration to the Saints/embr
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