Appropriate Age For Sexual Education Process
Sexual education should begin at home parents and care givers should be the primary educators of their children. Sexual issues should occur on a daily basis with parents discussing with the children. From birth children learn about love, touch and relationships while at toddler age these children will learn about sexual life through the way their parents talk to them, show affection, dress them and they need to be taught the names of their body parts. When these children continue growing up to adolescents they will keep on learning sexual behaviors attitudes and values from the family. They will also learn from friends, internet, books, television, music and advertisements from the media. The importance of school based education is to help young people build a strong foundation as they grow into mature healthy adults. They are meant just to add up on what they receive from their families to be able to understand a positive view of sexuality, get information and gain skills that will help them in taking care of their sexual health life and make sound decision in future.
A lot has changed in the couple of generation, from the early age the children are surrounded with sexual images. All children whether male or female should receive same sex education at primary and secondary level. Reproduction is mandatory element of science and taught from stage one onwards. When teaching the children about sex being honest and open is important from the earliest age. You need to learn the best approach to the matter avoid formal sex talk. Your attitude is as important as your answer, the way you respond to questions they ask even though they can be as young as two will set a pattern. Try by all means to keep the atmosphere receptive,
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