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Question by jack f: Are motorcycle clubs gangs?
Do you consider clubs such as the Hells Angels, Outlaws, Banditos, Pagans, Mongols, Vagos, Sons of Silence, El Foresteros, etc to be gangsters on motorcycles? Thugs? Cool dudes? What?
HOG groups are not motorcycle clubs. Nor are all of the motorcycle bodies called “associations”. Motorcycle clubs are hard-core people, and you cannot just “join” in. You must be sponsored in by a “member” and expect to undergo anywhere from months to years probationary period to see if you have the right “stuff”. Not all clubs live by the same rules, some are not as hard core as others. In some clubs, beatings are common place, even amoungst members in the club. These are no choir boys, thats for sure. Hog Chapters and associations, anyone can join, and they are like tea parties compared to the clubs.

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Answer by chirag

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One Response to Are motorcycle clubs gangs?

  • NIshzhoni says:

    They are just like-minded people. I think I want to be a biker when I grow up! (just kidding).

    The group I am familiar with is the Harley Hogs. I was in the Shriners Hospital, helping to take care of my child (an orthopedic problem that she had) and they came to visit those hopsitalized children. They gave these poor children hope, toys, a reason to keep on going. Some even took children for a short ride, in the hospital patio!

    No, most of those groups are together for a good reason. I also heard about Christian Motor Club (something like that). They help save souls.

    About those groups you mentioned: No, I have not heard about them, I heard about Hells Angels.

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