those who engage in the sexual act should enter into it and perform it with a sense of sacredness.
This can also be witnessed in the afterglow phase of sex when the physical unity is immediately followed by a deeper emotional and spiritual bond that forms among the participants. This is probably not replicated in any other way in our life. This bonding is also the essence of spirituality seen in nature.
4) Connection with the self is a pre-requisite for good sex
In order to maximize the emotional, spiritual and psychological effects of the bonding that arises during sexual intimacy, a deep connection with our self is required. Sex is not merely a biological act, but it can connect us to the divinity around and within us.
Individuals who are disconnected with their self and have a very negative view of themselves find it difficult to achieve deeper sexual bonding and affection with their partners.
In conclusion, we can see that sexual intimacy is among the many divine gifts given to us by the existence that can help us in a better understanding and appreciation of ourselves, as well as our relationship with God.
Vijay Kumar Raisinghani is an avid proponent of the use of easy and simple meditation techniques for a healthier stress-free living. Besides being an Active meditator, his interests include Spirituality, Meditation, Buddhism and Zen.
Visit his website for in-depth information on the most effective techniques of meditation and their amazing benefits.
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