Question by Chex-Mix: Are Tarot Cards Satanic?
I know this question probably has been posted a million times. My friend took me to a store that is kind of like the “pagan” store, its more lof a cultural shop. Anyway while i was there i got ths awesome set of tarot cards. My friend then said to me “Hey they have tarot card classes they teach you all about the cards and how to read them.” I was all about it. A few weeks later i brought the subject up to my Christian boyfriend when we were out with friends. He flipped out and in about a half hour i was called a Satanist 5 to 6 times. He caleld his Christian sister and asked if they were demonic. He was saying to me if you cannot even watch ghost shows on TV you won’t be able to handle what happens to you with the cards. A week later he was talking about werewolves and vampires and how he was pretending to be one and i looked at him and said “thats Satanic” He again flipped out saying that now its a cult thing and they are still evil. HELP!. BUT His sister smudges the house with bound sage. They beileve in vampires werewolves dragons mysical beings, but they are Christian. They also said you can’t take it with a light heart , and that it is a religion.
The only thing good out of this whole thing is that my family on my mothers side, they are catholic by the way, are all about me doing it and my family doesn’t agree with anything I do. My one aunt wants to take the classes with me.
Best answer:
Answer by Splash Log (Level 2… Again)
About as satanic as a Ouija board. They are just pieces of paper.
What do you think? Answer below!
yes…avoid them
Oh come on!
Not everything that isn’t strictly Christian is satanic.
satanic, lol, how cute you are… no they’re not satanic, they’re just a bunch of cards
No, they’re not satanic, they just come from European Renaissance mysticism. They aren’t magical either. If they make you feel more spiritual, then good for you. If you find them creepy, then don’t use them, but don’t push your hang ups onto other people. At most, they can maybe help a person think about a question in a new way, or give themselves an excuse to be honest with themselves. At worst, they can provide an excuse to keep lying to yourself, or enable destructive and irrational thinking.
They are dependent upon Divination; and are only interpreted and effected by the user.
If there were a higher power involved with the presentation of these materials that are read–it would belong to the person who did the reading.
While they are not inherently satanic–they can be used for evil means.
At best, moronic. At worst, satanic.
No, But if you are Christian, most of them believe it is.
No, but the Catholic Church and most Christian churches do not approve of them at this time.
They are no more Satanic than a regular pack of playing cards or any other physical object for that matter, but they can be used for good or evil. There is an excellent free course for beginners at
The practice of using Tarot cards falls into the practice of the occult. Today, many people dabble in the mystical, occultic arts. Is there anything wrong with being involved in these practices? Yes, the Bible takes a clear position on this subject, strongly denouncing these practices. God created us and therefore owns us. He has a right to set the rules for our lives. God’s Word indicates that these practices are part of Satan’s strategy of evil tricks and deception, designed to lead us astray. Satan and his demons are real beings set on our destruction. Christians are warned to “put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:11-12).
Research has shown that occult magic is often fraudulent and deceitful illusion – counterfeit miracles. Many books have been written on this subject. In some instances, occult magic or divination are a manifestation of demonic powers or the result of demon possession (Acts 16:16). Of course, the power of Satan and his demons is extremely limited compared to God’s power.
Those who follow the path of the magic arts are on the wrong path – a road that leads away from God, not toward Him. In one way or another, the end will be disaster. The evil Queen Jezebel practiced witchcraft (2 Kings 9:22) bringing catastrophe on herself and all Israel. Over and over, God denounces those who “conjure spells” (NKJV) and those who practice witchcraft and sorcery. The Bible says that anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; 2 Kings 21:6; Micah 5:12; Isaiah 47:12; Ezekiel 13:18, 20; Acts 8:11-24; Leviticus 20:27; Exodus 7:11; Revelation 9:21; 22:15).
God warns of the ultimate punishment. Revelation 21:8 says of “…those who practice magic arts …their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur… the second death” (NIV). Those who practice witchcraft (sorcery) will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:20-21). These practices are anti-God and are in rebellion against Him.
Oneness Pentecostal
Yes, they are fortune telling and that is against God.
I think you should take the class. If anything, it can be enlightening and fun for you. No, tarot cards are not Satanic. Your boyfriend is a cherry-picker.
they are of evil and the only source for evil is satan so yes in answer to your question. I’d find some new friends if I were you.
The cards themselves no but the use is against God. As far as your boyfriend he is wrong to approach it in the way he did. You are right the things such as ghost are also against Gods Word. I think and it is only my opinion that it depends on how you deal with these things that makes the difference. For example if you watch a movie about one of these supernatural things and only do it for entertainment then that is one thing. But if you start doing things like the sage thing then you believe in it. I urge extreme caution dealing with this stuff. You should find the meaning of pagan then you might see better what you are dealing with. Pagan”s is related to Wicca or witchcraft not really devil worship but worship of many false gods in stead of the one true God. The Bible say’s God is a jealous God. Any true Christian will tell you that you should not even go in that place or have anything to do with the stuff they sell. I know this is not what you would like to hear but it is the truth. Do not take my opinion or anyone else’s on such an important issue. Do some studies and look for truth, not just a way to prove your boyfriend wrong.
Yes tarot cards is satan’s counter dark intelligence, one of his tools to deceive and capture putting in bondage them who touch the unclean thing. As the Spirit of God the gifts of the Spirit, the Word of Wisdom and Knowledge that comes from the Holy Spirit, satan has his unclean and demonic tools in which to snare them who know not the truth.
Satan tries to copy everything that the Spirit of God reveals to the Body of Christ.
No they are not! Tarot Cards do not feature in the Bible at all! Probably because they weren’t invented when the Bible was written and also pretty much because paper wasn’t invented then either – let along shiny coated multicoloured card. I do not understand how people can say they are against God’s wishes when there is absolutely NO reference to them in the Bible at all. And here’s a question even if God didn’t like Tarot Cards way back when the Bible was written who is to say that he hasn’t changed his mind about them now? Anyone had a good conversation with him lately? If God really didn’t like Tarot Cards I’m sure he is powerful enough to do something about it. Forget all of the Satanic rubbish as it is all superstitious and incorrect misguided nonsense.