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Are The Amish Really Sub-Human Pagans?

Over the Christmas holiday I spent some time thinking about ways that Americans could fight for their personal sovereignty and against the latest oppressive and unconstitutional plans of liberals in Washington D.C. to control our health care and insurance systems.  Invariably when liberals cobble together their rambling laws they use such a muddle of nonsensical and contradictory words that there are always a loophole or two.  One such muddle of words that exists in both the House and Senate versions allows for religious exemptions from the power grab.  I had already been looking into writing an article about using the religious exemption to opt out when this week many readers sent me an article by Marc Heller in the Watertown Daily Times.  In his article Mr. Heller discusses how this exemption would allow the Amish of New York State to avoid not only having to participate in the plan but also avoid the taxes associated with it and also any penalties for not falling in line with government mandates.

This week since receiving that article more times than I can count, I have actually changed my focus a little bit.  Now I have been putting a lot of thought into how liberalism is an ideology that invariably trips over its own feet and falls face first into the mud.  Let’s explore why this is happening yet again shall we?

Liberals are frantically trying to convince Americans that there should be some further regulation and control by the federal government when it comes to the health care system in this country.  As though Medicare

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