good broad based spread, which will give a good deal of info on a specific situation.
There are other layouts that do things like give you a year view, or an astrological perspective or whatever. Some spreads answer specific questions better than others. Depending on the type of spread, you may need to consider changing the type of question that you ask so you can get accurate answers. Any spread should give you the same overview, but one spread will highlight – for instance – emotional matters, whereas another might pick up outside influences better.
You can get a free online tarot card readings from a number of different websites. On some sites you can pick the type of spread you want to use. Most of these will give you randomly generated tarot card images and their description. Most people would rather have a reading from a real person, but online readings can steer you in the right direction.
You can find out about all the different types of readings, ranging from tea leaves to seances. Have a question? Get a reading that will help you out with your decisions.
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