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Question by Menga M: Are UFO’s just modern man’s perception of spiritual beings?
I’ve read in some Native American studies, that when a Shaman presents an spirit entity to his students, that they often all see different things. When we see a hovering disk, could it be something to this effect? We know something is there, and our minds make for us a convenient answer.

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Answer by skcs11

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6 Responses to Are UFO’s just modern man’s perception of spiritual beings?

  • surelynotme says:

    I see nothing spiritual about UFOs.

  • Rod C says:

    I believe the angels and demons of old are the “aliens” of today.

  • jack lewis says:

    There is a school of thought that “abductions by aliens” have strong similarities with being taken to fairyland by sidhe(shee) . The Greys are like Goblins of old or there being those who remind us of the Nephilim ( fallen angels) mentioned in the old testament as mating and passing knowledge to man.

  • wayne_rudall says:

    This is my belief no more.

    Daemons, hobgoblins, sprites, djin, the spirits of the forests and the devil himself are constructs of the fear we all have of our basic insecurity.

    We are insecure because ultimately we know we cannot really determine what happens to us or the World around us.

    The Shaman exists in all of us to some degree. In undeveloped cultures (in our terms) it is often the epileptic or otherwise mentally “different” people more likely to have psychosis that contacted the “Spirit World”.

    As I believe that dreams are the result of REM sleep and brain patterns, no more, then it follows that I believe that in a vaguely hallucinated state one is as likely to “see” a flying saucer as a faerie (I say “faerie” because good images come as well.).

  • Sal D says:

    What most people do not know is that ET’s are very spiritual beings and are in tune with other spirit entities and the rest of the Universe much more than we are.

  • Tom says:

    Possibly. If in Genesis, God created the earth and the heavans then “he” was here BEFORE the earth. Does this not make him an alien?

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