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Question by J.P.: Are you a christian with the spiritual gift of healing? If so, will you please help me?
I am have been suffering from a sickness and have been mostly unable to work for over 2 months. Doctors can only help so much. I am concerned I might get fired from work. Is it possible to heal someone over the internet? I’m serious, no joke.

Best answer:

Answer by Rev. wwww Sinless Child of Satan
I have a scabs on my vag so apparently I am not the one you are looking for…….

What do you think? Answer below!

13 Responses to Are you a christian with the spiritual gift of healing? If so, will you please help me?

  • Alpha M.O.T.U says:

    you don’t need the internet to help you feel better just believe that your feeling better and you will..

  • Miserable says:

    how about a therapist?

    I’m sure you can find one around your town… maybe a nice massage to…

  • Corey says:

    I wonder if your belief in magic has lead you to disregard medical advice. And sometimes there’s little that you can do. Like if you’ve had an amputation, guess what the “spiritual gift of healing” will do for you. At least the doctors can help you get prosthetics and give you something for the phantom pain.

    No, it is impossible to heal someone over the internet.

  • JohnS says:

    yeah doctors can only help so much, but strangers on the internet hoping you get better, now that’s where the prospects are!

    What kind of sickness do you have? try webmd.

  • wefmeister says:

    Call this number toll free in the USA>>>>>>>>

    (800) 759-0700

  • Eddi says:

    I am not a Christian but prayer is a great way of healing illnesses, especially those that involve faith in our body and our mind’s ability to recover what we had. I am giving you a Christian web site that investigates this and recommends some prayers to be said.

    It is really none of my business, but I would tend to think if you are a Christian you should not think that any man has the power to heel you by supernatural means. Jesus does. All someone else can do is open your eyes to the possibilities, and perhaps show you how to ask for HIS help in the right way.

    I did lose my job two years ago because of health issues, and perhaps if I would have put my faith in God and not my own devices I would be working today.

    God Bless You.

  • AAA says:

    Hello dear, i can ‘t suggest you christian spiritual products but i can suggest you Hindu spiritual product like shani kavach , hanuman kavach and rudraksha pendants .believe me this products helps you to get peace ,joy ,success and improve your health. go through this -

  • Just Me says:

    Hi J.P.,
    I do not (from what I know) have a gift of healing..
    but I might be able to help you with one thing or two.. in the right direction.

    I too was starting to get sick for a while.. for the last 2 months. I thankfully went on a vacation.. but the problem was still persisting. I started to do some serious praying & seeking God’s direction. Now, I totally believe that there is a “Spiritual Battle” going on daily everywhere & with everyone, whether they know about it or not.

    The bible says:
    “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
    (Ephesians 6:12)

    I was watching a christian movie called, “Spirits Among Us”. Though, the acting was bad, it was based off of a true story… and aligned with what scripture says.

    See, demons have a way of bothering ppl. in a big way. And unless a person is fully armored with God’s covering… they too can be annoyed by these demons. One thing that a lot of ppl. don’t know.. or tend to reject.. is that, items in your house can have a huge impact on allowing demons to enter your home… such as, “Occultic books, Idols (even souvenirs, that you may think are harmless – like a small piece of wood that has some type of indentions of an egyptian idol, etc), Things like that can really allow sickness, disease & harm to come into your home or household.

    So anyways.. I was searching through my things.. after I confirmed what the bible says about “spiritual warfare”. I found something of mine.. that looked completely harmless (a book), by an artist friend of mine from my past. He’s a very successful amazing artist.. but the things he drew were VERY very demonic & had a lot of occultic symbols & things in it.. that I KNEW was not good! So, I decided to trash it. Though.. my flesh really hated to, because I LOVE to draw & I love having things for reference such as books like it. But, I still threw it out.. (this was JUST yesterday) and long & behold.. the problem I’ve been having has been going away.

    It’s nearly gone. I’m surprised.. but then again.. not too surprised that this was something spiritual that I had been ignoring deep down.

    I’m not saying this is your case… but it could be a possibility… ya never know.
    But 1 things for sure.. you must pray & ask God to give you some insight… and I’m sure He’ll lead you in the right direction.

    *praying for you*

  • prayerunity says:

    prayer is the answer. Within these times God will directly heal you because of the faithful prayers my family and friends around the world. God bless.
    Prayer Unity Mission 6-9-12-3-6-9 I would like to invite you join me on a “Prayer Unity Mission” As it said in the Bible- 1 Thess. 5:17 – Pray continually- (NIV)
    It is easy- pray to God from your heart for Love, Peace and Healing for 30 seconds or less
    6:00 a.m, 9:00 a.m, 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m, 6:00 p.m and 9:00 p.m.We will do this every day as long as we live.The goal is unity of prayer exactly at the same time. When our own will line up with God’s will, God responds powerfully and direct our faithful prayers to those in need of His mercy.
    If you miss or need to re-schedule a time it is perfectly alright. There will be another moment in His time. Our God is an awesome and very understanding God. Inspirations:Happy Moments, Praise God,Difficult Moments, Seek God, Quiet Moments, Worship God. Painful Moments, Trust God
    Every moment, Thank God, God is Love, God is Peace, God Heals. Invite your family and friends too, let’s pray together for peace and healing.

  • muehlb aternsv says:


    I don’t know that it is a gift someone has. Rather it is the Holy Spirit able to work through someone God has chosen. I don’t know for sure but, at the moment I believe people “align” themselves with God (get right) and simply ask and step out a bit in faith. Sometimes we realize our helplessness and do this. It’s OK. Like a child’s first steps…to bad we don’t remember this.

    If your off from work, are you reading a Bible? If I may encourage you, if you don’t have one, acquire an NIV study Bible. Read the front and about who has contributed. There will be notes under some of the scripture to think about and possibly insight, you too will have your own thoughts. I would suggest you read the book of John as a starter if you haven’t.

    I will be praying for you. If you like, please contact me and I would share more. Peace be with you J.P.!

    A link to think about if you haven’t…

  • TERRY S says:

    I have the gift of healing (as many have but few realize), love the teachings of Jesus but am not Christian as I dont believe that our Loving Creator judges, threatens and condemns His/Her Beloved Children when Jesus taught we are all to Love and forgive One Another, so why would our Beloved Creator, our Divine Parent, act differently?!

    THere are many changes happening now to the energies around Earth which are affecting everything including us on every level, physically, emotionalyl and spiritually..If you wish to contact me directly I*ll try to advise you, but if you dont then I suggest you access an amazing and invaluable book that has changed many lives called YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE by Louise L Hay which has sold over 35 million copies, which should tell you something!

    Illness is the way that our bodies *talk* to human us when something within us is out of balance and needs to be changed, and in the above book, she lists what various illnesses and symptoms represent and suggests means to begin changing what needs to be changed..

    There are six methods of healing on Earth currently, of which the medical physical intervention method is the least spiritual and effective for all but the simplest of things..The pharmaceutical industry is in bed with the medical world and together they make trillions out of our mysery!..Energy healing in it*s various forms is far more effective in many circumstances and works WITH the body rather than filling it with powerful drugs to unbalance every part of us hoping that one effect will be to overshadow the original symptom, and often creating more problems in the process!

    Do you know how to meditate or pray, for the answers you seek are already within you, waiting for physical you to step back from your worldly stimulus and go within, where you can access the *still small voice (of God) within*, a truth that many Christians have long forgotten, for God is NOT just *up there*, but *in here* too!

    I wish you well..

  • flindo61 says:


  • Jon says:

    I don’t know if I have the specific gift of healing or not. But, I am a Pentecostal Christian and will pray on your behalf for healing right now.

    Here’s is the phone number to Oral Roberts University’s Abundant Life Prayer Group 918-495-7777. Here’s the web address to them also: I have called them 3 times now and have had success all 3 times. The first time was for healing for a stomach problem. I couldn’t get a desire to eat for about 2 weeks. I called the Abundant Life Prayer Group and immediately after that I started gradually getting better. Now, I’m not suggesting they are the source of healing or any superstitous idol worhipping. But, they are Christians that specialize in healing prayers, they are experts in the field. So, I would also give them a try if you wish. Oral Roberts University is in Tulsa, OK USA. I don’t know where you are from. They accept calls all over the world though.

    Anyway, keep in there. Keep knocking on the door, be persistent in prayer. Receive as much prayer as you can get. Keep seeking different medical cures too. The Bible doesn’t deny the power of medicine. It’s there to help us. Some health food stores can provide you with herbs and different foods to help you out too.

    May Christ bless you and heal you.

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