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Question by annie – rainbow goddess: are you a light/energy worker, healer or other holistic practitioner?
Has anyone experienced criticism, judgement or any other negative response regarding your light/energy/healing work? If so, how do you deal with it, what is the best way to explain your work to the “unenlightened” and do people look for chickens in your yard?

who are the people that are questioning your work, afraid of your abilities and skeptical of anything metaphysical-family, friends and co-workers? How do you proactively deal with this situation? Do you receive mixed messages of acceptance coupled with fear and disbelief? How do you deal with these situations in a positive manner without compromising your craft, beliefs and spirit?

I have discussed these opportunities (never a problem, merely an opportunity!) with other lightworkers and there is a common thread of pain, embarrassment and frustration among them.

Please respond to my question in a mature, professional and respectful manner. We are all here to help one another. Happy thoughts of love, peace and light

Best answer:

Answer by mother love
wow i never even though about it

Add your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to are you a light/energy worker, healer or other holistic practitioner?

  • Apostle Jeff says:

    God has called me to be an Apostle with the gift of Healing. I do not care what others think of me. I am going to be faithful to God and His Calling. It is not me doing the Healing, it is the Holy Ghost who is doing the Healing. I am just one of many vessels that God uses for His Glory. The people who persecute me the most, are other Christians who do not understand the Holy Spirit and His power and God’s salvation.

  • anette says:

    yes, all the time. people around me. also in answers. as a person i take every critisism contructively. i never let negativity seep in my mind and heart. i just let it pass. i pray for those people who doesn’t have the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what gift i have. all the more trials in life.. the more i get to understand and gain knowledge and wisdom of life and my faith strengthen. it’s a tough job but someone’s otta do it.
    i let people come to me. i don’t come out like “HEY IM HERE TO HELP YOU!!!” no, let the person in need come to you because he seeks help. i’m not saying don’t help people who are in trouble(instead pray for them in silence).. if you want to be understood then help only those who seek help…i hope you understand what i’m trying to say here..yes, there will be alot of embarrassment and frustration.. all the more you should help them over come those feelings.. make them accept and understand that it’s ok to make mistakes it’s part of life to make us stronger and face more graver challenges. for as long as we are here still living on earth.. we are in the process of learning…

    good luck to your chosen path and all the best to help others be enlightened..warning keen on people who will pretend to ask for help..only will they challenge your beliefs and strengths..yes, i’ve been there that’s why i’m telling you.

  • Unity says:

    As you go about your path, you will learn to know who you can talk to and how you can share your gift with others. Many times what gets lightworkers into trouble is that in the beginning they are so happy to know and understand their gift, they start to share about it with everyone out of ego and need to be validated for being who they are. This is a basic human need, but it is never met with the response we might want. Often times that need for validation is met with rejection and horrible judgement, especially when healing gifts are shared with those who are terribly close minded, religiously fanatical or just fearful in general of anything that is beyond the 5 senses.

    I have found that there are ways to talk about my gifts and share healing with others that depending on the audience I don’t have to share in much detail to do an immense amount of good. When you talk of love or peace, it can be termed in many ways that fit within others belief systems without imposing your own view on their religion. There is nothing that you have to compromise if you are firmly standing in your own power and truth, for you know who you are and what you are doing is right and honorable. When you are standing in place of fear or doubt about your own gifts, others will be sent to you to reflect that back to you so you will be bombarded with people who will doubt and question your every motive.

    Lightworking is not something the world at large understands and the path can be lonely with so many who do not understand and may never understand what the purpose is to provide healing to the earth and those that live here, but it is so important that those who know they are lightworkers cannot let their gifts be blocked by fear of judgement, embarrassment or pain. There really shouldn’t be any frustration with people who just can’t grasp it, they are not awake and are like children who just are not ready to learn. Would you get frustrated with a 2 year old when you are teaching them to read? They just aren’t ready for it so why be frustrated. Turn to teach something they can understand – like love, peace, acceptance of self, forgiveness, etc. that does not have to be termed as light, energy or healing but merely just living a better life.

  • Linda B says:

    I have many psychic abilities. Yes, when I let on, I sometimes get that kind of reaction. But it is who I am. I cannot deny them, therefore I just pray they receive enlightenment and let go of it. Holding onto it will only hurt me. They do not have my permission to do that. Surrounded by white light not only makes my gifts more accessible, it also helps to block negativity. I feel bad for them. However, if they will allow me to do a reading, they walk away with a different mind set, or at least questioning their disbelief. The rest are up to God, not me. I just assure them that it’s not my job to change their mind. Their beliefs belong to them, mine to me. I do not try to change yours, give me the respect I deserve for mine. It’s simple really.

    Blessed Be

  • Jennifer G says:

    I use my prayers to help others. I pray that the divine will help them in their troubles. Prayers are powerful for those who believe in them with their heart and soul. Also sometimes just lending a listening ear can help others heal emotional wounds. I believe it is my purpose to be a sounding board for the weary.
    I have many beliefs that some would put down, but I turn away from ignorance because I know the power of my beliefs and my beliefs keep me strong. Those who don’t agree or would try to hurt me are just wasting their energy and I feel bad for them that they would be so miserable to try to make others feel as miserable as they. =)
    Blessed Be

  • ieyeone says:

    Being a light/energy worker—- For-give is my purpose here in the “thought -belief ” of separation , and in this belief of mixed co. I just hold the consciousness of oneness and give this to Spirit to do the How. , We are ONE and if this is showing up for you in “effects-via your brothers and sisters” it is a mirror for you to release your own stuff, that’s what “they” are there for. LOVE to you and thanks.

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