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Are you DIGESTIBLY FREE? IF you?re not, YOU can be!

Cosmic Therapy: An Authentic Productive Release Action!

It’s all about observing. Not others; yourself! Get your eyes off of everyone else around you, and with the business you believe more important than your own. Let not one more moment pass with your eyes fixed upon another. Start to observe the actions, words, gestures, and, most of all “GUT” instincts/sensations, you alone possess. For example: what are you feeling this instant? Nothing! What do you mean, nothing? Is it going to rain? Will you get that call? Can you pass the test? Did you do the Right thing? You have all of the answers within you. No one else has an edge on them for you. Do not throw yourself away by giving people ‘power’ to influence, guide, lure, impress, or intimidate you. {Whether through love, guilt, or supposed superiority} You are totally disconnected from your own genuine intuitive feelings IF you are not aware of them, clearly. {without question/hesitation} No one can say how you feel about anything, ever!!! Don’t do another thing until you take care of your own neglected scattered feelings. You’ve simply got too many other people (along with their ideas) inside your head. De-ass. Unload. Free up.

{Undigested emotions}. These unassimilated sensations are the deciding factor and governing port of your day’s events. IF you feel unproductive, as the day draws to a tallying close, it’s because you’re carrying unfiltered feelings that are coloring every hour. Nothing else matters until you resolve them by disposal. Undigested emotions putrefy and poison the mind/body. {Headaches, insomnia, irritability, stomach problems, eye difficulties, etc.} When it’s a matter of health; it aint about nothing else! IF YOU’RE TOO BUSY TO STOP

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