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genuine tears of despair and joy without any reason for doing so, having no personal interest vested in them. You will not be attached to the outcome, what liberty, what sublime bliss!!!

At times, the tears will flow so freely unattached to the present event; it will seem as if laughter is called for instead. You’ll realize, with full certainty, that the reaction in either case has nothing whatsoever to do with any circumstance occurring on the outside of you. It’s all an inside job. Allowing authenticity to reign affords you the opportunity to be ‘gut level’ honest.

You are being liberated. To finally arrive at that point where every known defense/explanation you have ever held against or for something has virtually crumbled right before your eyes is what has been referred to as: Nirvana. You are mysteriously unmoved, glad but unable to express it. You are left, clueless and disintegrated, without guile, preparation or recourse, to enjoy and embrace that one single moment of knowing what it really means to be digestibly free. At that second and not one before, the crystal clear vision of your soul’s intent is revealed. [Unblemished, unmotivated and unadulterated.] Talk about ‘being redeemed”, you will have literally jumped into the proverbial abyss and giggle like hell all the way down or up depending on which way you bounce.

On your way to that place of sacred psychological freedom, you will cease making things so important. It aint nothing but a thing! {Less than that, really.} You won’t attribute significance for your participation in the ‘life or death’ events. You’ll KNOW the punch line; why not, you wrote the joke. Self-intoxication is a weighty devil. It’s all a movie, anyway.

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