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conciliation to be had. Don’t ask another soul anything about what has shown up so inexplicably or unfortunately on your life’s shore. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING KNOWS MORE THAN YOU DO ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR SPECIFIC LIFE? Get in touch with you.

Just GO THROUGH IT; you foolish MORTAL. Don’t imitate. Don’t whine and pine excessively. Experience the depth, breath and width of what it’s like to be human. You asked to come here. These occasions don’t happen very often. Stay in the brevity of the experience. It will pass so quickly. Seize the moment and rejoice in the opportunity to squeeze every ounce of shallow reality out of it. The emotions involved in the experience are so unlike anything you could have ever imagined, had you not gone through it. (Although in truth YOU are the one who called into existence the circumstance/event in the first place.)

Get still and recall how it all began before you were who you THINK you are now. Get rid of the idea of comparing what you do or have done in the past. This is a brand new day with new and exciting perplexing cosmically staged avenue of experiences. Cosmic Therapy seem too good to be true? So what; aren’t you? Or do you still believe you are real and that you truly do exist in this dimension of space and time? Sound insane? Isn’t the whole ridiculous notion of us existing on a planet for “x” number of years, for no formidable logical apparent reason insane, as well? Paul said, “work out your own salvation through fear and trembling.” Let no person on two legs guide you in your personal idea of deliverance. That’s your own deal.

I can hear you replying, “But, so and so says this and so and so says that.” Big

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