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Are You Looking For Some Decent Sailboat Design Plans?

I checked out several places online before I found the right sailboat design plans.  I didn’t want to just buy one set of plans, I wanted to have more — what if I changed my mind and wanted to build a runabout instead of a sailboat.  What about adding a dinghy or dory to my sailboat for towing behind to get on shore?

Sailboat design plans should be created by someone who not only has experience sailing, but has experience building.  Just because you know how to sail doesn’t make you an expert on sailboat design plans, especially if you have no hands on building experience.

I wanted to find someone who had both: wood working skills, sailing experience and experiencing building boats.  This kind of person would not only know what they are talking about they would know the shortcuts because they’ve been building before.

Like when I built our house, I hired a contractor for two days to come in and teach me the ‘tricks’ of the trade.  Which he did — and even though I never built a house before that 0 was the best I spent, because I learned tricks that took months off my building. 

Experts in their field that are willing to share their knowledge are the best to buy sailboat design plans from.  Why?  Because they know the value of what they have, and more than likely because they know that, they usually can offer their plans at a less expensive price because they want to sell in volume as opposed to one set of plans here and there.

I was pleased to find that such an offer existed and online too!  And these sailboat design plans come with over 253 OTHER boat plans to make boat building easy.  Like I mentioned earlier, I wanted a little dory to tow behind my sailboat when I’m on the water,

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