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sends you a negative message? What imagery, if any, sends you a positive message? Now ask yourself how the situation at hand is influencing the way you view the card. Is there an alternative way to read the card?

For example, let’s say you drew The Tower for your daily reading. Initially, you may see the card’s imagery as only reinforcing how you already feel in your current situation — out of control, chaotic, disastrous. But is there another message here? Could it be that you feel overwhelmed because you are only focusing on things over which you have no control?

Instead, what if you began to focus on the parts of your situation that you can control? In doing so, you will have expanded your options and increased your ability to make a better decision. Instead of feeling helpless you can begin to pay attention to the things in your life that you can influence, however insignificant they may seem at the time.

Or what if the card is offering a suggestion on how to better handle the same situation in the future? On the card the tower is severely damaged by lightning, but what if the tower could be rebuilt to better withstand lightning? Notice, I’m not saying that it won’t ever be struck by lightning again. The lightning is an act of God and is not something that can be directly controlled. What I’m pointing out here is that, should lightning strike again, the tower could be better equipped to handle the blow in the future. How might you prepare yourself to deal with or avoid a similar situation in the future?

Again, the above illustration is only an example. The meanings you gather from your daily reading will depend entirely upon you and your circumstances. But it does illustrate how using tarot cards can help refocus your

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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