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Aristotelian Justice – A Study By Artur Victoria

Aristotle calls himself the “friend of truth.” He founded the philosophical logic and method, constructed from which several thoughts. The logic is rational and deductive demonstration of two or more premises, with the aim of reaching a conclusion. We also know that Aristotelian logic and the principle of excluded middle: if X and Z = Z = T, so that X = T.75

He promoted a revolution since the advent of Socratic thought, especially since the apodictic reasoning or analytic philosophy (also used the nomenclature), to be completed through a local mental functioning indisputable intuition, infected also support the influence the above arguments is defined as the Platonic and Socratic dialectic maieutics. Thus, Aristotle, now on a new basis, the philosophy jumped. The argument became more direct and therefore more objective, for probable scenarios that do not produce a host of further questions (as the above methods) to ensure the safety of the logical conclusion. Clearly, however, that the success of Aristotelian logic is much more visible in the exact sciences, especially in math (which portrays eternal truths and unchanging). Become feasible in natural science itself, the endless and lengthy speeches that fought a tough battle to prevail as “acceptable”, and finally, what was the tantrum seems designed to achieve persuasion over all (kind of reasonable, but more vague concept, with content conditioned by history, by tradition, culture of a community). The logic was presented at that time as a break with previous philosophers. He became the pure logic, no longer depending on the strong emotional appeal (the tantrum), often in the heat of debate, dialectics and maieutics present. The new thinking of Aristotle, in the

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