Art of Magic Part 2 by College Girl. Five Elements of a Magic Spell. Part two in series about the practice of magic. These videos will discuss the anthropology & philosophy of magic. The elements of magic spells. The different types of magical practices and practical applications of the philosophy of magic to life. This video expands on Aleister Crowley’s definition of magic and discusses the different elements that are involved in all magical practices. These five elements together come together into a magic spell. All forms of magic share these five elements be it a stage magician, prayer, invoking a higher power, worshiping the devil, sacrificing a virgin, casting a Wiccan love spell or even starting your car. This video introduces different types of magic including faith magic, sex magic, emotional magic and science magic. This video was produced by Psychetruth www.myspace.com www.youtube.com psychetruth.blogspot.com Music By Jimmy Gelhaar www.jimmgy.us © Copyright 2009 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.
Ugly Stepsister – Mitch Fatel is Magical: Premieres Sept. 18 on Comedy Central!
god damn you!!! xD haha jk
envoking evil spirits and making your girlfriend have screw with a goat??????im not a member of any religion but its pretty apparrent thats not the most enlightening thing sombody can do. you sound like the other million youtbe experts on here trying to shred other peoples opinions cause nobody will listen to yours in real life..
@oceanravn Can you teach me?
I suggest you study more and learn the different views. There is all types of magick but the main thing they all have in common is energy. If you make a poppet with healing herbs and you think the person is well that is magick. If you light a candle and say a prayer that is magick. When you change something by your actions that is magick. If you believe in something enough, you can manifest it. Your words and thoughts attract those energies. You are manifesting change to occur at will.
I have been in the craft for 15 years. There is magick all around us and yes she is totally correct and Aleister Crowley was correct. I do not think everyone on here has been in the craft and studied enough to make comments. There is many definitions of Magick. Magick is manifested as you put energy into something which causes change to happen. Your negative thoughts and words can cause negative effects towards someone, that is magick. You do not have to work with elements to do magick.
@Anakarion666 i do agree with the first part of what you said….lol not getting a girlfrend..haha
you have to understand ppl. she specifically said that the ‘magic’ she’s talkin about in the first video, was not supernaturally. she going along the road of mindfully willing something to happen. the ‘elements’ she describes are like in a college communications class. if you dont like it just dont watch, sure im not saying i agree with her, being a practitioner of Wicca. but i can at least watch it with an open mind. if u cant, then u really cant call urself pagan.
I think she is referring to “Elements” as the different ideas, methods, and principals involved in a specific process. NOT, the magical element, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether (Spirit), equated to the words common understanding in accordance to MAGIC.
Actually there were ancient tribes that used the blood of a sacrifice to decorate themselves for rituals and celebrations.
Earth (Body) Air (Words/Thought) Fire (Energy/Action) Water (Will/Force) Aether (Connection)…5 elements, ALL needed, not just one. Any spell focusing on ONE elements alone would be a fraction of the power it can be.
ya might wanna do some research, and take your own advice. yes each spell has it’s own elements, but those are actually just the spell components. the elements in magick are spirit/air/fire/water/earth. dumbass.
Rubbing goats blood and dancing naked in the woods? I think your a fucking stupid bitch, learn hwat you talk about first people saying anything more.
The “elements of magic” aare you fucking kidding me, each magic spell has there own element, Fire,Energy, Darkness, Earth, Water, Holy, and Air. not coming from the mind and making it in the real world so please shut the fuck up!
Yeah I agree, she should learn what she is talking about before she makes a video
She’s hot … smart too
What about the OTHER elements?
You know, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Spirit.
What about those?
the key ignition example was interesting. have you ever chosen to do something? you seem to be generalizing somewhat.
“Sounds” like quantic physics could call “the observator”, another way to get away of royal reality. Don’t use the power into a wrong path. Forget about matherialism!!
Hmm… can all of these “arts” be describe as.. SACRI-Lege?
I dunno dood is it really that hard? whatever they’re called, aliens / spirits / angels or demons the notion is that of conscious intelligence which lives beyond our dimension of spacetime and seems to utilise conscious beings to manifest a higher purpose… That really is a kind of universal conept east to west. I think almost every religion leading magic order hinges on there being some great Architect of life along with other intelligent beings aiding and hindering harmony.
Wow your an idiot, Aliester Crowly was not an evil man, I think you listen to your bible thumping buddies a little too much, have you research Aliester Crowley, or have you just gone by what your church or by what you think you know…. well before you assume or make statements whitch are false.. i suggest next time you do some homework before you humiliate yourself
by the way Alistair Crowley is named the most evil man of the century and has farthered the most evil trouble mmakers on Earth today. Think about what ur doing by listening to this
i know magic is real. Magic is really bad and only takes place through evil spirits. The spirits do not offer there services for free. The fee is your soul. There is only one Lord and you must ask anything yo uwant from him after/during fulfilling his commandments.
This is free valuble advice for anyone who has enough sense to take it.
Its great if you have faith in the supernatural, I know I believe in things beyond my comprehension, the problem is that that is meaningless to everyone else but you. Walking around talking about gods and demons and such makes one no different than the next perseon who believe in the boogy man, aliens, or big foot. Which is cool if you do, but that doesnt help the rest of us.
Its immaterial if these things are real, the point is that in doing certain things, results follow. The point of looking at things rationally is to maintain the self respect of an I/thou relationship with the universe. The proof is in the pudding.
(continued) Oh… I guess the whole trip about not necessarily supernatural could be to put the rational mind at ease, the part that *thinks* it knows how everything in nature is supposed to be, right? It has nothing to do with respect, after all why respect things like inanimate objects or even other people? Apparently it’s about what you can get for your narrow sense of self through magic.