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Part four in series about the practice of magic. These videos will discuss the anthropology & philosophy of magic. This video discusses different types of magic relative to the carrier or the power or force which empowers the magic to manifest itself into the real universe. Art of Magic Part 1 by College Girl. What is Real Magic? Art of Magic Part 2 by College Girl. Five Elements of Magic Art of Magic Part 3 by College Girl. Magic Spells. This video was produced by Psychetruth Music By Jimmy Gelhaar © Copyright 2009 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.

25 Responses to Art of Magic Part 4 by College Girl. Types of Magic.

  • kellybelly222010 says:

    ok i tried but im done omg boring

  • 379588606 says:

    @psychetruth ???????

  • skel8tor says:

    interesting, i kinda knew/suspected this stuff but couldn’t explain it to others

  • bountybar0707 says:

    can u do us some magic

  • 1mataleo1 says:

    sorry if i lost anyone with that comment.

  • 1mataleo1 says:

    Tai chi and Daoism are not seperate. Daoism is a philosophy, while Tai Chi is a Daoist term describing When the Universal Chi transforms from the Wu Chi state(latent, and undifferentiated energy) to a state of Tai Chi (a state motion where Yin and Yang can be distinguished). The Dao is a term given to describe the unnamable, unknowable all. Chi is part of the Dao. Chi is part of the Dao and comes in many forms (although all of the forms are just different transformations of the One Chi).

  • RandomMReviewer says:

    nice legs

  • katsikis1 says:

    you did a great job for a simple series. The background information and the materials meaning could be a bit less repetitive

  • katsikis1 says:

    People do win “The lottery” “fall in love” and the “world is the way “YOU” want it to be”…… Note how many intentions and focused intentions by other people work for and against you everyday. Magick is as real as the intention or lack there of to watch these clips and post responces.

  • larmegue says:

    Interesting religion, if there was real Magic, people would win the lotto every week, fall in love whenever and the world would be the way YOU want it to be…unfortunately….that’s all cookie talk. She is beautiful though, love her standing.

  • BOIslo says:

    You’re mixing magick with ordinary things like a fight…MAGICK is directing energy that is generated by your beliefs in the spell/ritual and your intention, into the universe. The universe is the agent as you say and by sending it energy you are kind of sending it the message on what you want and the universe reads the energy and fullfills your request…that is magick. Something simple as a conflict between kids is not magick…magick has it’s special purpose and it’s special meaning…

  • zosgoat93 says:

    Ne’ermind the naysayers CG, your series here is supremely accurate and on-point! Keep it up, please. 93

  • YourFuture2012 says:

    Organised science (crime)

    Creating cultures based on selfpreservation.

    The species of the universe evolves endlessly but some people don’t understand.

    Thats why we got souls too some are less evolved as others.

    I am going to 6 dimension i have had it with this childish 3d world.!!

  • sethy1 says:

    when was that?

  • sethy1 says:

    Magic is the word of God. He does not conjure because having to conjure is having to give up something equal in this realm. He is the architect that can bring things to come as he sees fit without any re pro-caution in our realm. Im not citing anything these Jesus freaks say only what I have felt. He IS as before anything is or has ever been. His existence is something we cannot even begin to figure out with our minds.

  • sethy1 says:

    Lol, Science is edging towards anti logic, open your eyes. And see the manipulation of proteins and DNA. Magic is based on consciousness. Alot cannot be explained by science alone, because those who have created sciences have gone mad because of it.

  • stonejudas says:

    Before recorded history…

  • sethy1 says:

    whats pre history?

  • YourFuture2012 says:

    I can’t believe how many retards are commenting here on this video lol..

    I know why cus ur manipulated sheeps who still believes in rules made by people but not studying the rules made by the universe SCIENCE…

    Magic works you can make a statisticaly probability of tracked thoughtprocesses and interpretate this correctly.

    LOOK AT WEBBOT PREDICTS THE FUTURE!!! ALL BASED ON LINGUISTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • autumnenergy says:

    I have to retract one part of this. You did manage to demean Voodoo. You should do more research before you use anyone’s belief system as an example. That was very insensitve of you, though I know it was done because you just did not do any research on it before using it in your video. I think you should do a video on REAL Voodoo to show people that it is not the Hollywood nonsense that’s been presented to the public. 4 stars instead of 5

  • autumnenergy says:

    Didn’t Jesus practice magick? Withering a fig tree, turning water into wine, walking on water, raising the dead, exorcisms…hmmm. Then he did marry Mary Magdalene (so sex was not out of his scope either). I am not picking on you regarding Mary Magdalene. But as you know as a man bound to Jewish law in his life, if he had not been married, it surely would have been an allegation against him at his trial. It was never mentioned as one of his “crimes”.

  • autumnenergy says:

    Ummm…you just stated your belief in magick when you stated that the spirit manifested in the flesh (Jesus). Your God manifested in the form of a man…that’s magick. So what makes your form of mojo more intellectual than the next form of mojo? I remind you the bible is filled with magick from Genesis to Revelations & contradicts itself on the same subject throughout.

  • autumnenergy says:

    I think you depend far too much on “what people say”. There are billions of practitioners of magick in the world. Humans do not continue to do anything that does not work. And they certainly do not do anything for over 40,000 years in all cultures WITHOUT EXCEPTION through persecution, ex-communication, and social rejection if it does not work. People practice magick with all it’s glory and pitfalls, with all its light and darkness because IT WORKS ! No other reason.

  • autumnenergy says:

    I really liked your un-biased presentation of magick. Very professional, straight-forward without demeaning any belief system. I also liked the idea that you cut off a lot of bias by including Christianity in your video as practitioners of magick. Keep up the great work.

  • wiccanwisdom says:

    great video, though i really wish you wouldn’t use such negative examples, why encouage bullying.. surely thats not the right way to go about explaining it, though your point has been made you should use something more positive.

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