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602-788-1082 Call for Ronna Prince for a personal channeling session and experience the power of karmic healing. Ronna has been in contact with her own guides and the ascended masters since childhood. In childhood, she was often graced with the presence of Spirit and Light. At age 13, she was told by a Messenger of Light, that she would be called upon to use her abilities to help many people. She began actively working to receive clear messages of guidance seven years ago. Ever since that time, Ronna describes her relationship to the Divine as an Inner Knowing and her experience of the Divine as a “Peace that Passeth all Understanding”. This has given her the foundation of belief that all things are gifts. Not some things, but all things. This is stated over and over again by Kuthumi and the Masters.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

7 Responses to Ascended Masters | Ronna Prince Channels Kuthumi 2/3

  • SubconsciousDweller says:

    Onlinereputation: Plese forgive them for they are spiritualy ignorant and stuck in the martirx! i appreciate your videos and kuthumi assists me in my daily struggles! Much Light and Love to You!

  • Calibur316 says:


  • LunaMuffins says:

    And I thought christians were wackos. You blow them out of the water.

  • cspace1234nz says:

    Do all disembodied channeled spirit entities have the same accent or is this just another piss take ??

    Is there a special school you can go to to learn to talk like a nutbag ??

  • BitingOsprey says:

    Do you know why the bible specifically forbade people to do this?

    Its because you are allowing demons to take over your body. That is who you are talking to.

    I will also pray for your deliverance

  • graceexplosion says:

    may the Lord deliver you in Jesus’ name. God bless

  • darien1 says:

    Kissed you*

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