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Part 1: The Shia of AhlulBayt(as) mourn for Imaam Hussein(as), on the 10th of Muharram, ASHURA, because the Prophet(sawa) would cry on this day, the the extent that his hair & beard was full of sand.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Part 2: ALL & ONLY FROM SAHIH SUNNI SOURCES The Shia of AhlulBayt(as) mourn for Imaam Hussein(as), on the 10th of Muharram, ASHURA, because the Prophet(sawa) would cry on this day, the the extent that his hair & beard was full of sand.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

34 Responses to Ashura – Prophet mourned in Karbala (blood letting) 2/2 – Eng ??????? ??? ??????

  • Lebanese28 says:

    @Zhulfiqar cont.1
    It was not by accident that the sands of Karbala were drenched with the blood of the grandson of Rasool Allah (SAW) and his companions, nor was it true that this Ummah was left to battle for power and the chair of rule. The righteous ruler was not the one who was given the chair of power in this world, nor the treasures of gold and silver, but the one who was to be a master in the next, and an owner of the riches of wisdom and understanding.

  • Lebanese28 says:


    It is our own self that accepts, hates, loves or rejects reasoning.
    Imam Husain (a.s) who was promised to be the Master of youth in paradise was slain by those who opposed the will of Allah (SWT) and his Mesenger (SAW).

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 If you stop distortion I wouldn’t even comment here. “because the Prophet(sawa) would cry on this day” is not true, he (peace be upon him) appeared in the dream of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) and didn’t cry on 10th of Muharram while he lived among them. So stop lying otherwise it is only you dividing it further.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 They are all related. At the end of the day you guys again show your distortion that mourning on 10th of Muharram is “Sunnah” which is not like I showed.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 Sure, but that is not true for the majority of the narrations which ENDS with one of the A’immah. As long as the chain up to the Prophet (peace be upon him) is not mentioned then it’s mursal, period or like I said you’re a Imami 12r who believes in magical transformation and other ghulat beliefs.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 I don’t need to pm you to know what a Shi’a of ‘Aliy (may Allah be pleased with him) is and what a 12r Imami Rafidha is. The 12r Rafidah are ghulat and survived due to the oppression of Safawid Empire and due to betrayers like Tusi who worked together with Holaco.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 And by the way, the ahâdîth in al-Kâfi doesn’t exceed Sahih Bukhari alone, the most of what are so-called ‘sahih’ according to your standards are from Tabi’in like Imâm Ja’far al-Sâdiq (May Allah be pleased with him) and these are all marasîl and don’t go back to the Prophet (peace be upon him) unless you’re a Shi’a deviant who believes in Divine persons with magical transformation.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 What has 4 A’immah to do with narrating narrations? Imâm Bukhari has only included those ahadîth which he deemed the most authentic OUT OF THE AUTHENTIC ahâdîth he possessed. We have alhamdulilLâh many Sunan, Musnad, Zawâ’id with authentic narrations exceeding all of your narration books put together. You’re stupid, go read history of how Sarf and Nahw began and student of Imâm ‘Aliy (may Allah be pleased with him) wasn’t Imami Râfidah alhamdulilLah.

  • Zhulfiqar says:

    @wais910 Because you are deprived of understanding. Masha Allah 1100 years of reading those books, really enlightened the hearts of Muslims and illuminated their day with the Sunnah of Prophet (peace be upon him).

    Shi’as were always obsessed with Ahl Sunnah, they used their hadith books, tarikh books, lugha books etc. Allah blessed the ‘Ulema of Ahl al Sunnah. And still you deviants find narrations in our books which you can only dream of in yours books with the same grade of AUTHENTICITY 🙂

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