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metaphysical meditation
by nimboo

Question by Darin: Astral Projection Methods?
Hey, I’ve been trying to learn astral projection for ages now, very few methods are actually working. I’ve tried binaural files, various meditation methods, etc. If I could afford to buy salvia divinorum, I’d try that. XD Anyway, if you know of any methods that are effective for you, or think might be effective, please let me know. Books are okay, methods/”products” are preferable. NOTE: I am NOT interested in reading posts about how metaphysical activity is “the work of the Devil,” or “does not exist,” or “is extremely dangerous.”
a.) Satan only affects Christians (maybe Muslims and Jews too…) and His worshippers.
b.) No matter who you are, you are NOT an authority on what is real and what isn’t.
c.) Everything’s dangerous. Even breathing is dangerous.
If I see any of these three kinds of posts, I will not hesitate to report you for spam. To those of you who were not intending to make these types of posts, I apologize for my harsh judgment and thank in advance for your help. ^_^

Best answer:

Answer by rainbow_wagner
The classic Astral-Projection challenge is to tell your victim, that you can float up and see what book they pulled from thier bookcase, and placed on the top shelf… out of sight, and with you (the charlatan) outside, or across town. There’s no way you can see atop the shelf…no mirrors, and no co-horts. none-the-less, the charlatan can tell within seconds what book has been placed on top of the bookcase. Do you have any idea how easy this is? Sir, there is no such thing as supra-natural. BTW, if you can’t figure out how to fool people this way, and are dedicated to scareing people into believing you have special magical powers, them e me, and I’ll tell you how stupidly simple this con is.

Add your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Astral Projection Methods?

  • Miss M says:

    My fiance is from India and he practices Yoga regularly. His preferred method is called Yoga Nidra. I hope this helps.

  • Smashing Ink says:

    You have a very good point about no one has the authority of what is real, this coming from a scientist (at least one in training).

    When I was younger I read a lot into this stuff… one of the things I remember was about a rope that held your spirit to your body and strengthening that will help you to remove your spirit.

    Sorry, I’m not much help. I just wanted to say that you have a very good point.

  • bbnl5 says:

    Be 3 Feet in back of your Head!

  • Byzantino says:

    1. Rope Technique: This technique has been formulated by Robert Bruce and is one of the most effective techniques around. A key ingredient to this projection technique is an invisible, imaginary ROPE hanging from your ceiling. This ROPE will be used to exert dynamic pressure at a single point on your astral body to force its separation from the physical.
    Reach out with your imaginary HANDS and pull yourself, hand over hand, up the strong, invisible, imaginary ROPE hanging above you. You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this. This feeling of vertigo will intensify the more you pull on the rope.Keep climbing, hand over hand, ever upwards, and you will feel the vibrations start. Your whole body will seem to be vibrating and you will feel paralyzed. Concentrate single minded, on climbing your rope. Don’t stop.Next you will feel yourself coming free of your body. You will exit your body in the direction of your imaginary ROPE and will be hovering above your body. You’re free at last!
    2. The Hammock Technique: Visualize yourself lying in a bright white hammock, stationed between two palm trees on a secluded beach. Imagine the feeling of swaying in the wind, and recreate that feeling now as you visualize yourself swaying from side to side in the hammock. Repeat this visualization for as long as it takes to bring forth the vibrations, and when you feel the vibrations, just “roll-out” of your body.Whichever technique you choose, you are unlikely to get a result on the very first night, or even on the first few nights – so take your time with them and try not to get frustrated when nothing happens at first. But I promise you will soon start to see some results.
    there are 7 more to choose from,follow the link in the source
    tab,and additional one where you can download a book

  • stickymongoose says:

    I don’t really buy into this astral projection crap, but I just wanted to point out that your statement about Satan doesn’t really make sense. That’s kind of like going out into a storm with an antenna saying that lightning can only hurt people who believe in it.

  • Croa says:

    Find the one meditation method that works for you, and DON’T give up! The only way to sucess is to meditate before, during and after.Otherwise, you do not have the Prana engaged enough to actually do any good.
    Also the rope method of pulling one’s self out is good.
    Good luck.

  • JS says:

    I almost had an astral projection, and it scared me **** out of me! I did lots of research on it, and I’ll tell you exactly what I did in detail.

    First I practised meditating every night for a couple weeks straight… which basically means I tried to astrally project but didn’t have any real hopes of doing it yet. I wasn’t ready. I would go for 20 min to a 1/2 hour before stopping and going to sleep.

    As the time went on I got better and better at it and my meditations became deeper and deeper. I started to feel very close to it, felt more vibrations, saw deeper blackness, etc (more on that later). I kept using different meditation methods to see what worked for me. I only remember a couple of them, the only two that worked really well for me.

    1 night I was doing a routine meditation when I felt I could really pull all the way through and astrally project. I went for it.

    I felt myself floating up and out of my body. It was really slow at first but then I felt myself really start to rise. Until this point I was skeptical of AP but I liked the meditation and the challenge so I did it anyway. But once I felt a good foot out of my body, I was immediately convinced that it is REAL. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I immediately tried to force my eyes open but couldn’t. I had to literally fly back into my body completely, which took a second, before they would open. I couldn’t sleep without a light on for the next couple nights it was so scary… but lately I’ve been wanting to try it again. I like the mystery of it, no matter how dangerous the other forces may be.

    Meditation methods:

    First of all, get an ipod or something and play some kind of rythmic techno/electronic music. Lay down in a bed in a completely dark room. Close your eyes. Relax and don’t move a muscle. Feel every part of your body completey relax.

    Next you need to focus on darkness. See nothing but darkness. Concentrate on it. Eventually after several minutes it will get darker and darker, and you will start to feel a slight pull on your eyes. This is good.

    Next there are 2 visualization techniques that I used.

    1- Imagine throwing a football. Now imagine that ball slowly rotating as it flies through the air… that’s it. Sounds simple, but very hard to visualize. You need to picture every tiniest detail about the ball. Like the cracks, lines, the lace grip, etc. Picture it flying forward and spinning, in slow motion, and concentrate on it.

    2- Imagine a leaf slowly falling to the ground. Same concept. For both of these visualizations, use simple colors (IE brown, green, white)

    After a while of focusing on these simple objects moving through the air, you might start to see the few colors you used in the visualizations flash a little bit. Instead of seeing dark black you will start to see the brown from the football all over, for instance. Keep focusing.

    You should also feel slight vibrations as your focus gets deeper and deeper. First side to side, then head to toe if I recall. Eventually, you will feel your body rocking back and forth. This means you are pretty close.

    Finally, you will feel yourself rising up slowly out of your body. Keep your eyes closed, stay relaxed, leave your body, and…. (I can’t tell you what you’ll see when you open them)

    It scared me senseless and I haven’t tried again since several years ago but maybe I’m just a wimp : )

    The main thing is to relax and focus, and be patient.

  • RedHairedTempest says:

    I use a different technique when attempting to prepare myself for AP ( I havent managed it yet ) I have never been able to effectively focus on an image that isnt really there….but keeping the eyes open to focus on a real object wasnt working for me either. Instead , I concentrate on ” holding ” energy in my hands…..its like imagining a ball in your hands; but I dont see the ball….I feel it ( as though I were blind ) I attempt to determine the size and texture by gently pressing and slowly rotating my hands. Its pretty interesting because you can actually ” create ” a ball of energy with a decernable size and resistance…..I have found it to be the most effective way to calm the mind and reach the alpha state.

  • Wiccan Rider says:

    I understand your harshness with these types of people. Everything that is not within their view of things is of the devil or Satan or demons.

    I wish I had the answer you are looking for, but sadly I have been trying to astral project for many years now without any success. I think I do it occasionally while sleeping, but it is not a deliberate, conscious effort. the reason i believe I do it at times, is I am aware of my surroundings, and I can start to fly or float above my house and trees and go to different places that I know well. This may just be a very vivid dream, but the feeling of flying is so real and these visions of places like my house and all is so real, unlike other dreams I have, that I really think i am astral projection. but I cannot do this at will. Sorry.

  • jombojolly says:

    In the early ’80s I picked up a small tan book (about 4″x6″ in size) at the local library by a George Fox(x)? called, I believe, Projections Outside of the Body, or something to that effect. He started the quaker movement I believe. The book was instructional, basically a recipe book on how to Astral Project. I was an eager college kid, dabbling in something very exciting. By the end of a few months I was able to leave my body quite easily. At first, the ‘silver cord’ connected to the solar plexus would only stretch to get me face first to the ceiling. I lived on the 7th floor of an apartment building – the next step, I moved out through a window and hovered above the parking lot, became so excited and terrified I quickly felt myself fly back into my resting body involuntarily with a sudden jolt. Over the next few years I became so facile at leaving that I left all the time I was bored: waiting for a bus, waiting in the college admissions office, bored at concerts or meetings…. it was a great skill that preoccupied my mind that craved stimulation.
    One day I was driving my friend’s Maverick down a popular rural road by-pass. It was rush hour. I was stopped in a big line of traffic at the top of a hill. Way at the bottom of the hill and just past the traffic light I saw a bunch of daffodils fresh out of the ground. I remember thinking, “Oh wow, those are beautiful.” Suddenly I was leaning into them and seeing them in such close detail it was amazing. [I never intended to leave my body.] I heard a distant honking. It was persistent and annoying. I turned and looked to where I heard the sounds coming from and saw a person sitting in a Maverick at the top of the hill, holding the steering wheel and staring straight ahead. That was me! I could’ve been DRIVING in traffic and suddenly projected without intending to!!! At that moment I decided to never project again. It was a drug and I was out of control. I assume I was capable of truly injuring innocent people just because I was being so self-indulgent.
    I’d rather not give the recipe because it truly works but if you find the Fox(x)? book, you’ll see. Just, please be careful. I was very lucky.

    Remember, we are all capable such unbelievable adventures of the mind – keep yours safe.

  • ecparanormal says:

    Many struggle with this, and it basically takes time and finding that one strategy that works for you.

    For a friend of mine, placing a thumbtack on the ceiling and staring at it, imagining he’s getting closer to it, helps him every time.

    I would recommend checking your surroundings. Are you in a quite area where you are undisturbed? How is your body positioned? Sitting is often recommended over laying down as you tend to want to sleep if you’re too comfortable. Some people even like rocking chairs as they can gently “rock” out of their body. Others prefer to lay down on their side and try and “roll” out of their body.

    I have a native american friend who uses sage and a bath in sea salt before he starts, and then tries while naked. He swears this is the best way to achieve astral projection while awake.

    What I recommend to those who can afford it, go see a psychic or someone who is seasoned in guiding people through astral project. Very little works for me, but when James Van Praagh led a guided meditation… it worked wonders. You can even ask the psychic or whoever to record it so you can listen to it again at home. There are also tapes on the market specifically designed for guided astral projection, or you can record yourself reading one you find on the internet or in a book.

    Keep on trying. Right now it’s winter so this isn’t the easiest time to astrally project. Once we get into spring and summer, it should be a better time to try and you’ll be more likely to succeed.

    J. L. Oneske, Parapsychologist

    MAY 26 & 27, 2007 ~ ROCHESTER, NY

  • neologycycles says:

    (Liked your question disliked your verbal salvoes(sp?) at the end-tho I suppose what we dislike is some tendency we share with the dislikee)
    Was going to say Lucid Dreaming is some sort of adjunct to AP. My take on it is to encourage yourself to believe the impossible. Like the Desert Rats motto, “The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer”

  • each may believe differently says:

    …astral projection: is natural and normal…happens all the time…even now…

    …disconnecting from “now” is what you seek without drugs, classes, meditation methods, etc.: capture the moment(s) when your mind wanders off- practice and trust what is seen in the mind’s eye…

    I was once told “those that look for me with their eyes are not likely to ever find me”

  • jasonsghost says:

    Go to a poetry reading or read something really heavy. work your mind into a spiritual state of frenzy, intellectually speaking. then if you can go some where you don’t feel comfortable and lay down and let your self drift into a sleepy hypnotic state try and find something like a strange noise or a weird shadow to focus on. this will induce a paranoid psychosis feeling that is conducive to the night terror or helpless paralyzed half awake dynamic. be ready to give in to the force that draws you. try not to panic or hold back
    just remember that you are in control of this scenario.

    just after sex is a open door also. you may experience dark visions that warn. know that in this shamanic journey you Will be IN open view of principalities who will take advantage of your interest and work to undo you with enticements.

    just get your vision and come back. don’t make a habit of this. and always share what you saw or felt with some one you trust.

  • kathryn422003 says:

    This is probably stuff you have already thought of, but I’ll try anyway:

    Are you sure you aren’t doing it already anyway – in your sleep – and just aren’t consciously aware?

    I woke up once while I was sitting up out of my body. It scared the crap out of me in the moment, but once i was back in, O.K. and realized that, yea that had really just happened, I thought it was pretty cool.

    Perhaps, focusing on lucid dreaming, would help. Maybe you’re already doing it or maybe lucid dreaming would help you take control while you are in a good state for it.

    Just a thought…Good Luck!

    P.S. What JS said about the eye thing is similar to my experience. A soon as I was fully awake and realized what was happening I freaked and pulled myself back down into my body. Everything went black and I realized that it was because my eyes we’re still closed. It took kind of a weird effort to reconnect and pull them open. It was very strange because I could feel them wide open because i was freaked out at the same time I knew the ones on my actual body were closed. It was strange, but in retrospect very cool.

    P.P.S. This person got an interesting answer the other day – describing a device to help with the whole process:;_ylt=AiiM7N8.NGHRQSNDwShZgCH6xQt.?qid=20070228234238AAa9H5a

  • G.reaper says:

    So you want to learn Astral Projection…and you’re really serious about it….well here’s something for you to chew on.
    If you are indeed able to separate your mind/soul from your body and go on some kinda mystic journey of discovery or enlightenment on the spirit-plane….then what’s to stop some other disembodied soul or entity from entering your body and shutting you out……….Report that while you’re floating around in the Ether.

  • mauikittie says:

    I segust you stop over thinking the whole thing. RELAX. consentratte on your breathing. Almosst all of us can do this. Mabye you are blocking your self by trying to hard. Sometimes I like to go check in with family and friends, I picture the where and unfocus.

    Don’t forget;
    1. your body is in your mind
    2. you mind is in your consiousness
    3. intention is everything.

  • Cookie says:

    It seems to hit me when I’m exhausted most often. I get the paralyzed feeling and vibrate right out the top of my head!

    Run that afternoon. Or party hard for a weekend. Then “picture the football”.

  • raphael b says:

    Give some thought to what realm you would like to go to in an astral projection. Are you just playing around or is there some purpose? The astral worlds as such are not really all that great. However the divine worlds are great and are filled with peace.
    For me a disturbed sleep pattern following often a mild to moderate consumption of alcohol works. You might have to train instead.

  • ikeman32 says:

    You are trying too hard, those who are into the esoterical arts call this lust of result. There is no way to achieve instant results there are 3 P’s to remember when trying to learn anything Patience, Perseverance, and Practice. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Keep a dream diary, dreams are linked to the astral plane and you may be traveling astrally and not realizing it.
    2. Wait until you are ready for bed before attempting astral travel this will ensure that you are undisturbed.
    3. Learn to realize when you are dreaming one you have mastered this stepping into the astral plane is as easy as falling out of bed (No pun intended). One technique for doing this is to tell you self before bed that you are going to look at you hands when you dream.
    4. Try this exercise I had good results with it. When you’ve gone to bed, close your eyes and visualize the seven colors of the rainbow ROY G BIV. The way I do this is to visualize something that is that color. Repeat the exorcise as often as needed to go to sleep. Think of nothing else but the colors.

    That’s it good luck.

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