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Astral Travel

So much is said about astral travel and yet so little is known about it.

At we will exert all efforts to simplify this and other topics and we will try our best to eliminate doubts on the astral travel which is so vague to the public.

Everybody astral travels. Yes we all do, and on daily basis…

When we sleep, we astral travel, and when we stargaze we astral travel, and when we are absent minded we also astral travel.

We actually astral travel on daily basis, it is a part of our natural being.

Whenever we sleep, we start seeing dreams and the dreams we see are indicative to an astral experience we have in another space and time in another dimension, not visible to our naked eyes, The Beyond. We also roam within our own dimension as well.

We often perceive messages in riddles and symbols that may relate to our current life cycle and existence, that is where the interpretation of dreams comes from.

We often stumble upon past or future scenes or past experiences and present events in the making.

That is due to the speed we astral travel with, it is speed of light and up, we accelerate our speed once we leave our physical body.

That is how we enter into other dimensions or space-time. And that is why what is below is as what is above.

Space-time is fixed and we are the moving objects. We are the changing part…

Interpretation of dreams is an ancient art, manifested through the gift that was granted to Prophet Joseph one of Jacobs children, as mentioned in holy books alike.

Joseph was taught how to decode the riddles and interpret the symbols of dreams into human tongue and spoken languages. It was a puzzle solving art…


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