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Astrological Planets & Other Heavenly Bodies, Part II

The Planets on the Horoscope

On the horoscope, the heavenly bodies—the planets, sun, and moon—appear on the ring inside the zodiac ring, represented by symbols.

The Sun (Apollo)

In the Roman and Greek mythology Apollo was revered to as the deity of Sun and light.

The Sun is a decidedly male heavenly body. It is the ruler of our universe and the source of all life and consciousness on Earth—our father. Life is consciousness! Because it is the center of our universe, it is associated with the center of our conscious selves—our self awareness, ego, personality, identity, and spirit. This is a most creative, powerful, and energetic heavenly body, giving us our life force, health, and vitality, our strength, willpower, and determination.

The male quality of the Sun is associated with authority figures, leadership, husbands, and fatherhood. The creative power of the Sun is associated with all creative endeavors, including the arts, procreation, and even commercial enterprises. In the horoscope the Sun lends its energy to the other planets.

The Sun rules Leo and the 5th House (Children & Creativity). In medicine it rules the heart and circulatory system.

The Moon

The Moon is the feminine counterpart of the Sun: our mother, giver of life, and the queen of the universe. The Moon nourishes us both physically and spiritually. It is associated with our emotions and unconscious—and hence with creativity and imagination—as well as our maternal instinct, childhood, the home, and our need for safety.

The Moon rules Cancer and the 4th House (Home & the

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