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Question by lelly is not dead: Atheists/Buddhists/Pagans and those of faiths other than Christianty, do you listen to any music with…?
Christian lyrical themes?
I wouldn’t call atheism a “faith”, but in this context, I felt it appropriate to add it.
Dan – What “faith” or are you atheist/agnostic?
Syd: That’s awesome.
Please specify what you believe. =)
Wrath: There are some bands who have pro-christian lyrical themes that are actually very “dark”. I do not really like songs about how “god is so awesome OMGGG!111” either.

Best answer:

Answer by Dan
Probably. I hardly ever pay attention to lyrics though so I don’t really know.

I listen to APC quite a bit and some Tool, lots of Maynard Keenan’s lyrics seem to have religious/Christian themes to them.

edit: Agnostic atheist. I really don’t think that there is a god or anything like that but to simply state that there is not without any proof is near as bad as blind faith. There’s plenty that people are yet to understand or explain.

What do you think? Answer below!

19 Responses to Atheists/Buddhists/Pagans and those of faiths other than Christianty, do you listen to any music with…?


    The Hold Steady has a lot of references to Catholicism, but I think it’s used more as a thematic device than as an exhortation to “join the flock”.

    Unless I’m really misinterpreting lines like “If I cross myself when I come, would you maybe receive me?”

  • syd says:

    I love ‘Gospel’ music and I am a complete atheist. I think it’s the conviction of the performance more than the subject matter. I even perform some of ‘Bob Dylans’ christian songs when I sing at folk clubs, which is even more hypocritical!

  • me and says:

    I’m an atheist but i listen to Demon Hunter and Rhapsody who both have christian lyrical themes.

  • stick dude says:

    Sure I’m atheist and while I don’t listen to “christian” rock I have a lot of music that has christian themes or god in the lyrics. The Hellacopters have quite a few songs like that. I like some old black gospel music too. I just can’t stomach that real sappy dyed in the wool christian stuff like Stryper or Petra.

  • Aerohead says:

    Yeah because there nothing wrong with Christian values. I don’t really like some things about Christianity but I find the music uplifting.

    I’m just a believer of God in general, don’t really have a faith.

  • breekatz says:

    Creed, i defended them cause of their music seemed to rock out, the story was the parents were ultra right wing.

    this vid is somewhat weak but powerful at the same time.i do respect creed, they earned their place in their place.

  • ? Wrath Of The Tyrant ? says:

    Nope, I class myself as atheist/agnostic and I listen to Black Metal. I wouldnt go near bands that class themselves as Christian rock/metal, I mean I dont have a problem with them, but thats not what appeals to me, im actually drawn to the complete opposite. I dont believe, but I want to believe, but I cant believe, if you understand what I mean. Im Pagan curious too, have been doing a lot of reading into that subject lately and im really interested in it.

  • Ladyhawk says:

    I’m agnostic, and I try to be openminded.

    If the music is good, sure why not.

  • Silver* Rose Wolf says:

    Hello Lelly 🙂

    I’m an eclectic Pagan {though I was raised Anglican / CofE}, and I do listen to some religious music.

    Gaelic Salms {psalms} [Scottish Gaelic]
    Gregorian Chanting [Latin]
    Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ~ a Sufi singer [Urdu]

    As you can see, these are all sung / chanted in other languages, which I don’t speak, so it’s about the ‘feel’ of the songs, rather than their religious meaning.
    I do occasionally listen to some Gospel, but the only Gospel I own is a few collaborations on one of the Salm albums.

    Obviously, religious meaning will come up in other songs at times ~ a few of the ‘traditional’ folk songs {I have versions by 60s and 70s bands & artists} have religious undertones, but it all adds to the mood of the piece. A notable one is ‘The Hangman and the Papist’ by The Strawbs, which is about the English Civil War, and has to be taken in context.

    Other bands have made referance to christianity in various ways, such as Type O Negative in songs like ‘Christian Woman’.

    I don’t have so much of what you would call ‘Pagan music’, as I find Pagan themes lurking under the surface in a wide variety of music, even if the writer didn’t plan on it being there!

  • A Fair Judgment! says:

    I’ve always felt somewhat apathetic towards lyrical themes in songs I listen to on any sort of basis. Beliefs are individualistic and subjective, I suppose it’s up to you whether or not to accept or even endorse lyrics advocating a particular, normative belief.

    For instance; I wouldn’t mind unblack metal:

  • migh says:

    atheist to put it simply 🙂

    as long as i like the music, i don’t really mind what a band sings about as long as it’s not racist … and i don’t go seeking out any themes in lyrics/bands, so i’m not bothered if they sing about Christianity… as long as they’re not promoting or pushing the Church onto us…

    having said that, i don’t think i listen to any ‘christian’ bands… bar a couple (see below)… but i think that’s mainly just cos i don’t like the music… (i’m kinda mainly music first lyrics second when i hear new stuff…)

    eg. I love Trouble! (that’s not a statement about myself… the band ;)… they often use christian themes in their tunes…

  • Xamarth says:

    No… well, not in that the song promotes Christianity. I do listen to music about Christianity but that’s very different from praise music. For example Carpathian Forest made a song called Christian Incoherent Drivel, which is about Christianity but usually in a critical view.

    Only one exception: Skillet made one song I’m fond of and it clearly has Christian themes in it but nonetheless I like it.

  • phatzwave says:

    I’m a Bahá’í

    As long as the beat is good I’ll listen to anything.

  • Ofrolvi says:

    I’m an Asatruar and while I dont seek out christian music and it isnt one of my favourite themes it has worked itself into alot of music so I guess.

  • Alice The Wondering says:

    Not really but like Dan I do listen to A Perfect Circle every now and then. Although I am very respectful of other religions, I just don’t feel comfortable listening to music with specifically religious themes. I sort of feel like they’re trying to force their own beliefs on me.

  • Teaim says:

    Not on purpose, but yes.

    There are songs that I enjoy a lot that have religious lyrics, and some instrumentals with religious titles too.
    I most always enjoy songs for the instruments. The singers that I enjoy are usually the ones who use their voice as an instrument. I don’ usually pay much attention to the lyrics. I like to turn my brain off when listening to music. Thinking gets in the way of listening, for me.

    One big example is John Coltrane’s masterpiece album called A love Supreme. The whole album is kind of like a prayer to God.
    Its an amazing album, regardless of what it means to him. If he did it to practice his religion in some way, I’m happy for him because it bought out the best in him. I get to listen to it.

    If a song has Christian lyrics, I don’t really care. I don’t really care what any of the lyrics are, kinda.

  • teh anti-pasto (R.I.P. Lux) says:

    im an atheist.
    and no, i dont listen to songs with christian themes.

  • Bones says:

    I do like country music (classic and alternative, not pop), and as you know country music does tend to have Christian references in it.

  • ~Heathen Princess~ says:

    I still sing Amazing Grace to my kids. *shrug

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