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themselves. I don’t think that audio books should replace reading to your children, nothing can be better than snuggling up to Mom or Dad on the sofa, but they can supplement reading time when Mom or Dad are too busy to sit still!.

Another perfect way to use audio books for kids is on long car journeys. Take along a few favorite audio books as MP3 downloads and as long as each child has his own MP3 player you can get through hours of tedious driving with barely a complaint!

I really do recommend that each child should have their own system though. If you expect them to use the car CD system you’ll end up listening to endless squabbles over what to listen to next. Either that or you’ll be screaming with boredom as they repeat the same favorite story for the ninety-ninth time!

The huge range of books available as audio books, from Harry Potter to Roald Dahl, means that there is something for each age group and endless variety, from the classics like Winnie the Pooh and the Narnia series to the latest Philip Pullman.

If you want to build up a collection of kids’ audio books in an affordable way consider joining an online audio book club, where for a reasonable monthly fee you can download one or more books every month, according to your membership plan. Your only problem will be in resisting the enticing books on offer for adults and heading over to the kids’ section!

Kit Heathcock is a freelance writer, editor and mother of three currently collaborating on Audio Books for Today , A Hosting Review and A Flower Gallery.

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