Here is the preview version of my augmented reality card trick. Have fun watching and let me know what you think. More information about my magic can be found at www.marcotempest.com ALL THE GRAPHICS ON THIS VIDEO ARE GENERATED IN REAL TIME WHILE I AM PERFORMING THIS TRICK. NO POST-PRODUCTION, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WOULD SEE ON THE COMPUTER SCREEN AS I AM PERFORMING. Special Thanks to Lieberman and Theo Watson for augmented card wizardry and creating OpenFrameworks, Animation Cell for bringing the Jokers to life, Jillene Luce and Dominic FBI for the soundtrack, Matthew Holtzclaw for adding the magic of words, Robert Eaton for the 3D models and to all people creating amazing free tools available to artists everywhere: OpenFrameworks, ARToolkit, OpenCV, MacCam
What kind of image sensor u are using?
Such awesomeness, but what really warms my heart is the accompanying AI system. Great work, my hat off to you Marco (and everyone who made possible such undertaking).
@allanseeder ya
strange.. just thinking how this works xD awesome haha
Those cards are awesome! I collect playing cards, and I’m definitely gonna try to get my hands on some. I did some looking and I’m 99% certain that they’re Gemaco Sextants, if anyone else is wondering.
I always love watching your videos, keep up the great work!
hella trippy
hell trippy
AR is a whole new lvl to 3D viewing
Respond to this video…
that is really cool
Very impressive . . . definitely inspiration for me to only play poker in casinos or online, not with friends where they can card sharp me out of my money!
is this just editing or is it his glasses??
i bet there was no single real card only green cards as little greenscreens =P
i bet there was no single real card
only green cards as little greenscreens =P
very entertaining but i think i know ur secrets to ur magic.
Is this actual augmented reality or is it just edited afterwards?
How did you do this?
Pretty darn cool… except at 1:56 when you go grab the “moon.” Awesome job tho
david blane made 215 accounts to dislike this video
Is this realtime?
with the joker its very niiice!!! love this technology ! will it come out in magicshop..in some years…?cheers
Great video, love the idea of augmented reality. It will be the future
that was unbelievable
This is amazing
You made me smile, thanks!