by Le.Mat
Question by Miles: Authentic Tarot cards in Sydney?
I want to buy my friends a deck of tarot cards for her birthday, but I don’t want to buy some cheap deck. Does anyone know If there is a difference in all the tarot card decks? Also, The difference between oracle cards? And where would be the best place to get these in Sydney or would I need to order them online?
By authentic, I mean something like replicas of the cards that used to be used by ‘witches’ in medieval times. I’m not quite sure what I’m talking about (sorry) but she reads alot about all this (not in a “I’m going to curse you” way, just out of interest) and I want to buy something that’s really similar to all the history she’s read.
If anyone can give me as much detail as possible, on anything that might seem relevant.
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Ok there ar thousands of different decks out there. anywhere from your Universal waite to Gummie bear cards. And they are all authentic. It really just boils down to the pictures on the cards, which ones speak to you and which do you think are the most beautiful. I have several decks. Started with the Universal waite, then the Aleister Crowley deck and I also have the deck of revelations Just find a deck you think is very pretty and you think your friend will ike. I guarantee she will.