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A tribute to Ayahuasca I have created this movie in remembrance of my first Ayahuaca experience several weeks ago and in honour of the ‘plant teacher’ in preparation for my next experience. Ecuador’s Amazon is in severe danger because of oil and gold corporations (search: Chevron Toxico) which are destroying everything, including natural and cultural diversity. Ayahuasca and other powerfull medicines can help humanity to heal through reconnecting to nature, our fellow human beings and most important ourselves. This is a call to action. It’s twelve o’clock. Toll the bells. Act now. Music: Natem – Song of the Uwishin Sacred Songs of the Shuar Tradition – Hilario & Miguel Chiriap Footage: BBC Planet Earth – Forests & Jungles BCC Weird Nature – Jaguar in Peruvian rainforest eats Yage Other Worlds – Jan Kounen PS Note that the ad is shown right next to the movie because copyrighted material from BBC is used in the movie. Fair enough.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

7 Responses to [Ayahuasca] A tribute to Ayahuasca

  • micaminosagrado says:

    Hilario Chiriap in The Netherlands in 2003

  • micaminosagrado says:

    I just uploaded an amazing performance of Hilario from 2003. The audio stream comes from a Dutch website. It’s great, but hard to find and hard to play for some people. Hopefully it will reach a broader audience now because it’s very interesting and he plays some of the ‘Cantos Sagrados’ from the Shuar.

  • motaking8 says:

    Yeah well senior camino sagrado:) I dont have a video with me but please, if you would like to see what happened not long ago, you are most welcome to do so of course. I will find a safe way to share pictures with you. On the other side, the music you have chosen, is truly a piece that took us to a new level in experiencing life as it is in its purest form. Im looking forward to make friendship with those people who walk the ways of the soul, and nature. Be blessed, and thank you again…


  • micaminosagrado says:

    @motaking8 Glad to hear so. I hope you like the channel. If you have any recommendations please let me know. I’m uploading an audio file soon from a visit of Hilario in 2003 with interviews. It’s partly in Dutch and Spanish.. and if you don’t understand either one of those languages I’m sure you understand the language of the six icaros he plays. : )

  • micaminosagrado says:

    @LichtjeMoonsoo Bedankt!

  • motaking8 says:

    Fantastic, just fantastic.

    Im glad there are people who I am sharing common experinces with. Great work with the video and thank you for the information from your channel, nice collection it helped me put a few pieces together.
    Hilario, we all miss you and hope to see you as soon as possible, be blessed and let the light follow your path wherever you walk.

  • LichtjeMoonsoo says:

    Prachtig gedaan!! Ik ben trots op je, en ik hoop vanuit mijn diepste dat ook deze film aanzet tot actie, zodat de flora en de fauna ontdaan worden van al die olieresten, en druipende pijpleidingen, en de Indianen niet meer bang hoeven te zijn voor geldwolven, die over lijken gaan voor geld.

    Liefs Lichtje

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