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Final Edit; Play it loud and LArge. Shipibo Shamans chanting wih images and visions from inside the ceremony. Scene from Shipibo-Konibo, the movie (avalable on Amazon) This is the time we have to reconsider what it is to be human from a shamanic perspective.

25 Responses to Ayahuasca Shaman Ceremony

  • favaroarquitetos says:


  • MalucoDeCara says:


  • TheCureList says:

    Thanks for posting – work with the Shipibo tribe as well. Check out our video on Vegetalista Orlando Chujandama.

  • TheCureList says:

    Thanks for posting – work with the Shipibo tribe as well. Check out our video on Vegetalista Orlando Chujandama.

  • TheCureList says:

    Awesome video – check out our interview with Vegetalista Orlando Chujandama!

  • YouFoolWarrenIsDead says:

    @kanseki1 Old brain, huh? This is rather inspiring.

  • sbiemron3 says:

    A good place to find common (or somewhat common) plants you can extract DMT from is erowid . com.
    You can find lots of information and such about the different plants and ways to extract/prepare the plants

  • scarface18707 says:

    yea its the DMT in the ayahuasca, extracted from plants in the Peruvian amazon, Peruvian Shamans are experts in this hallucinagin and are the ppl u probably wanna be with when u try this.

  • traveldakini says:

    great vid depicting sacred medicine

  • DokterDMT says:

    You can buy it from me (n,ndmt) crystals

  • luigifla says:

    Hi Floursparcelestial. Thanks for the info. I’m gonna contact Ethnobotanicals. I hope I’m allowed to have it shipped to my house. I thought it was considered a schedule 1 drug. Gotta find out before getting in trouble. Tks much.

  • 803brando says:

    the chemical is Dimethyltryptamine, it its extracted from several roots, plants, vines , an alkaloid extraction process can yield more a potent form of dmt. many just take it orally(tea, or inhaled)

  • floursparcelestial says:


    Maya Ethnobotanicals, an online store based in Holland has an excellent selection of plants including various ayahuasca ingredients. The only downside is shipping can be expensive. Research well the preparation and ceramony, blessings.

  • randoolymiester says:

    One of the best vids of it’s kind I’ve found on youtube, well done. Why are people putting overdubs on other clips?

  • mauimerman says:

    Where may I ask did you experience this? I am intrigued and interested in experiencing this for myself.

    Thank you!

  • smivloc says:

    I recently had my first ceremony experience. I drank twice and the effects of the medicine have changed my life. I have Native blood but have turned my back on it in recent years, not intentionally, but none the less I have.. The ceremony brought me closer to my heritage, closer to my heart, closer to my family, and closer to the REAL me. It was heavy. the Shaman was the most wonderful person I have ever met, but the entire circle of the ceremony was AMAZING. please research nd blessings.

  • schrapnellsander says:

    hey kanseki,
    the subtitles in the vid; is it the translation of some lyrics from an icaro?

    btw nice video, my hair stood up when quillermo’s voice came to me 😀

  • kanseki1 says:

    The hypothalamusis part of the ‘old brain’. From my own experience ayahuasca really ‘lights’ up that part of the brain. I would say be on the cautious side and try a very light dose and see how you are stimulated by it. Do it with an experienced Shaman and explain your condition before hand. Like with all ‘drugs’ the secret is is the appropriate dosage. One other thing: with that kind of condition avoid fluoride –you will start feeling a lot better ! w.

  • WatchDogg728 says:

    It might, I dont know forsure, but I do know over time your brain can regenerate.

  • Magicmanny says:

    I have a brain injury my hypothalamus doesnt work; can ayahuasca help to heal this?

  • luigifla says:

    Thanks for your response, CASHMORETURBO. I guess I’ll just keep looking online until I can find it.

  • cashmoreturbo says:

    Search online. I ordered some and had 2 friends do it. One didn’t wish to speak of it – was not surprised. The other wouldn’t allow the herb to do it’s work. Do your research first.

  • luigifla says:

    ChimX420. Can you give some info about yourself? I’d like to experience ayahuasca myself. Could I go down to Brazil for a week and have a full-blown experience with you? Pls. let me know. It’s hard to find a reliable shaman out there. I hear that in Peru there are a lot of tricksters that just want your money. I’ll certainly pay but don’t want to have surprises once I get there. Can you describe what you do? Thanks much

  • agustinablur says:

    felicitaciones kanseki1 por difundir la cultura latina en america! es muy importante conocer a los pueblos originarios que cuidan desde siempre a la madre naturaleza!

  • paulahope says:

    i just recently experienced my first ceremony. I fell asleep through much if it (i hear this happens) but it was afterwards that was most amazing. I was blessed to have had an incredible Shaman from Peru leading the ceremony in a very safe space with beautiful music and a strong spiritual community.

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