A trip deep into Amazon jungle to participate in a difficult Ayahuasca ceremony with a Native shaman reveals an old truth in a new setting
A trip deep into Amazon jungle to participate in a difficult Ayahuasca ceremony with a Native shaman reveals an old truth in a new setting
Thank you very much for sharing.
mr. juan thankyou for coming to peru
Also do you maybe know exact location where did you experience this trip
Wow this was really interesting!!! Just Great!!!

I know exactly what u mean, when i had it there was no shamans, just me and some friends looking for adventure, and i felt the same way like someone was asking me to let go that everythings gonna be fine but i still couldnt completely.
Nice rundown on your journey. Namaste
Can you give a talk at my school please?
Don Juan is mentioned in a book I am currently reading about Ayahuasca.
WoW… very interesting……
very enciteful.
Nice, lesson learnt.
thank you