Our Commander-In-Chief And The End Of Our Age. I Suggest That You Research The Political Speech About “Herdsmans (or Cattlemen-Baal)” Which Was Given In January 2009. It Seems To Be No Coincidence That The Numbers 3 and 3 and One Half Take Us Precisely To The Infamous Year Of 2012. Could God Really Be Ending Our Age?
6) Now let’s put these teachings to the test. The Bible talks about the Euphrates River in 21 different Bible Versus. I’m including the 21 verses below. Notice how the title Pharaoh appears. Notice how the term “Sun going down” appears. Notice how David (Akhenaten) appears. Notice how the Temple or “House of God (Army of Kings and Priests-Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24-26; Exodus 19:6; Exodus 19:1-25; Revelation 20:1-end; Revelation 19:17-21)” appears. Notice how Josiah (Kingship) appears. Notice the many references to Egypt and the “King of Egypt” (Pharaoh Akhenaten-Joseph- Moses-Jesus-Matthew 2:13-14). Notice How Old Testament Joseph and Jesus’ Father Joseph Were Both Dreamers Who Ended Up In Egypt (Genesis 37:5-11; Genesis 37:28-29-In Verse 29 Notice How Joseph, Pharaoh and the Bottomless Pit (Prison-Dungeon) Are Associated (Revelation 19:1-end; Genesis 41:14; Matthew 2:13-14).
Be Sure To Review The Below Information:
Prophecy Of The Cushite: End Of Age
Wether you believe it or not: Time Is Quickly Running Out! Changes Occurring Fully Verify That Statement. This article gives verifiable information and the time frame (of overthrow). Yes 2012 is discussed. Don’t allow apathy or disbelief (days of Noah) to block wisdom.
In about 2 1/2 years December 21, 2012 will arrive. Many prophetic sources point to that date as the “End”. Let’s investigate prophecy and history.
A Good Investigator follows
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