the primary suspect. The idea is that the Primary Suspect will eventually lead you to the evidence. The Evidence is the “Thing Sought (or Hoped For-Hebrews 11:1)”.
Prophecy tells us that “when we see the ‘fig tree (Matthew 24:32; Luke 21:29-30; Mark 13:28-29)'”, then the “end is near” (Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:28-29).
So all any Good Investigator has to do is to find out “who” the fig tree is and “follow” him/her. It is truly that simple (Psalm 119:130; Proverbs 1:4).
So Who is the Fig Tree? Most Bible Teachers teach that the “fig tree” is located in the Middle East. The Son of God makes it perfectly clear that all Holy Scriptures refer to Him (Luke 24:27).
We must remember that the Bible is about God’s Merciful Love for humans shown through God’s Unending Love For His Son (Jesus-John 3:16). Jesus is the “Word of God” (John 1:1) and the Bible is the “Word Of God” (Hebrews 4:11-12).
Any Biblical reference to figs, leaves, trees or any other “greenery” refers to Jesus and His followers (Matthew 13:10-17; 31-32; Luke 21:29-31).
Did Jesus ever associate Himself with the “Kingdom” Tree? Yes. Read what Jesus said about Himself (The Tree) as He was violently led to the Cross (Luke 23:26-31).
Jesus clearly identified Himself as the Tree (King of God’s Kingdom). Keep in mind that the Cross was a Tree (Acts 5:30; Acts 10:39; Deuteronomy 21:23).
The Tree and Stump Of Daniel Chapter 4 are prophetic symbols pointing to Jesus and God’s Kingdom (Daniel 4:34-37).
The Good Investigator and Believers In God’s Promises can now perform a “thorough” search (Investigation) on things associated with the “Fig Tree”.
We will be studying these following “fig tree” verses. Be sure to read and consider:
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