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Bride/Wife. She is the Fig Tree and is “tender” (Song Of Solomon 2:13).

Notice how God’s Mountainous Holy City (Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24-26) descended upon Jesus like a Dove (Matthew 3:16; Revelation 21:1-5; Matthew 17:1-5). Notice how Noah’s “Ark” rested upon a Great Mountain (Genesis 8:4). Notice how a “dove” was associated with Noah’s Great Ark and this Great Mountain (Genesis 8:8-12).

It’s interesting that”greenery” (the olive leaf) is associated with God’s Dove (God’s Kingdom).

We just learned a very important Bible Truth. The “End Of This World (Matthew 24:3)” must occur as it is the Marriage of God and He is Passionately In Love With His Spiritual Bride (Revelation 21:1-5).

2) Forth-Four is symbolism which describes God’s Angels (Matthew 24:30-34; Revelation 14:1-end). Other names for such Angels are Watchers, Keepers, Elohim, Gods, Sons of God, Sons of the Gods, Judges and other names (John 10:30-34).

3) Shooteth Forth- “Shoot” describes the “attack” and “fire” power of Angels. The Bible often describes Angels with bow and arrows. The Astrological Sign “Sagittarius” often symbolizes these angels. The Bible term “Shoot Forth” applies to Judgment Day when the Angels will arrive to “eat meat/flesh” (Psalm 104:25-27; Revelation 19:17-18).

4) Summer-Summer describes God’s Heated Anger. We know that God showed Adam and Eve mercy because He approached them in the “cool” of the day (Genesis 3:8).

5) Nigh and Nigh at Hand-These Bible terms relate to God’s Mountainous Holy (Kingdom) City being right above us (Nigh-“Kingdom of God is In Your Midst (Joel 2:27)”-Directly Above You-Over Against-Joshua 5:13-15) (Matthew 3:2, 16-17; Matthew 4:8-9; Matthew 17:1-10).

Joel Chapter 2 describes the

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