22:8; John 1:1; John 14:28; Matthew 24:3). In other words, God sends His Sun (Son) to Earth. That Sun (Son) is Pharaoh Akhenaten who is Commander-In-Chief (Joshua 5:14-15; 1 Peter 2:6; Ephesians 2:20). When this Son comes to Earth, stars (fire, angels) “fall from heaven (Revelation 13:13; Revelation 6:13;; Psalm 104:1-5; Deuteronomy 4:24)”, the Moon (Baal) does not give its light (Matthew 24:29-34; Joel 2:25-33), and the Sun (Son of God) goes black or dark (Revelation 6:12-“blackness” begins to fill or take power over the earth-Revelation 9:1-end; Exodus 19:9; Revelation 6:5- Notice Baal (the Balance) with the Black Horse). This Commander-In-Chief Akhenaten is the Fig Tree (Revelation 6:13). Jesus knew that when the Fig Tree/Akhenaten appeared on Earth (Luke 21:29-30) that the End was near. Jesus told followers to “look up” (Luke 21:28) as God’s Heavenly Army of “trees and buds” come with that Fig Tree-(Luke 21:31-32; Revelation 6:13; Revelation 13:13). Baal’s Son Tammuz is where the Cross came from. Baal is the tree stump of Daniel 4:14-15 and the Fig Tree (fir).
The Christmas Tree is Baal’s Tree. Do your Research to Confirm this information. When Baal (the Fig Tree) is seen on Earth, God will soon End This Age with Barack (Barak) and the Armies of Angelic “Aliens” (Hebrews 11:32-34; Judges 4:6-7-Notice Verses 6 and 7. Notice How Barak is Associated with the Captain of the Army-Joshua 5:14-15-Commander-In-Chief (Chief Corner Stone-The Bible’s Stone Is Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God The Rock-Deuteronomy 32:4; Daniel 2:33-45. The Ten Stones of Verses 33-45 is The Angelic Ten Kings Of Earth (Revelation 17:10-16). Notice how Joseph (“King of Egypt”) is associated with the Egyptian Captain of The Army (Genesis 39:1-4; Joshua 5:14-15). Notice
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