invention to make our life easier. In effect, could you say that our society has become lazy? Might it be that we have also adopted this same habit when it comes to understanding our own spirituality? Could we be relying on others for our understanding, instead of discovering the truth for ourselves by validating the information in a scientific fashion?
What is your current understanding of spirituality? How many of you think that God is a vengeful being who will punish you if you do not live according to certain rules? Where did you get this idea? Did you make this determination on your own? On the other hand, perhaps, it manifested from the religious instruction you received from another based upon their interpretation of spirituality or the Bible.
Do you think that depending on another for your knowledge is, in fact: allowing you to become inferior to them? What is the definition of inferior? Webster’s dictionary provides the following definitions: lower in rank, order, place, or excellence; of less value; and poorer in quality. Do these attributes describe an act of slavery and judgment?
What is the solution? According to a spiritual teacher who assisted me in my own healing named Charles Crooks, the key lies in adopting a more beneficial approach in the form of observation and validation. Instead of relying on others for the answers, it is beneficial to base your truth upon something you have proven for yourself, using a more scientific approach for discerning the truth. When you observe all presented to you without bias, and then test that information for yourself, you assure the truth.
When undergoing a scientific experiment, you observe with a complete, whole model as your