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commentary I would be sued. If I produce a leaflet denying the Holocaust or the rape of Nanking, I would likewise, and rightly be sued. But the Muslims can declaim hatred, advocate the killing of Jews and others, and fulminate weekly in their mosques against the West and nothing happens.

Human rights commissions should be investigating the Koran and Mohammedan mosques for hate speech, not bothering writers and websites who are publishing viewpoints.

This is perhaps the most ridiculous and pernicious aspect of multi-cult post modern stupidity. Mohammedans are free to spew their hate bile and animus towards any and all kuffars, but the kuffar is unable to express his or her considered viewpoint and criticize the Mohammed cult.


Why should the Koran be banned?

I will give you five reasons why this cult document should be banned:

1.It is a fascistic set of commands outlining Muslim aggression against the world. Its program is no different than that set out in Mein Kampf.

2.It is misogynistic and promotes female slavery.

3.It is racist.

4.It is supremacist and distorts young impressionable Muslim minds.

5.It has been used as the basis of war for 1385 years, and is directly responsible for the deaths of 300 million people. It is the guide for Arab imperialism.

It is in short the handbook for our enemies. By banning the Koran we can also open up the Mosques for inspection; understand their finances; regulate their programs of ‘praying’ and limit immigration. The tides would turn in favor of civilsiation.

It is all well and good to

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