Basic Candle Magick Spell for Protection from Negativity
Alexandra has been dating a man named Robert for two months. At first, everything was great between the two of them. He was romantic, kind, gentle, and easy to get along with. Additionally, he had a natural leadership quality about him which really drew Alexandra in. Now, though, things aren’t so great. Alexandra feels that Robert has become very controlling. Additionally, he always seems so depressed and negative every time she ends up around him. Alexandra wants Robert to either leave her alone or, minimally, be in a better mood when the two are around each other. Additionally, Alexandra would like to end their relationship, but she wants to do so as peacefully as possible. The question is, what can Alexandra do to help this manifest in her life?
The previous is but one of many examples of time periods in our lives where we find ourselves desiring to keep negative people away from us or, even better, work to help them help themselves.
Here is a simple and safe candle spell ritual a person can do to help protect from negativity generated by other people. Though simple, this is still a powerful spell. As with all magick, it’s important that one is in the right frame of mind prior to working with it. The easiest way to get into the proper state of mind is to mediate or relax without interruptions for five to ten minutes before beginning this spell.
You’ll need a white candle, some aluminum foil, and a knife.
Step One: Begin by carving into the white candle the name of the person whom you want to defend against. As you carve, make sure you place your intent into the candle by focusing your mind on the idea that this person will have no further effect on you.
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