“selfish” to take care of yourself first. It’s wise and loving to do so!
Open to Mana
A central way to insure that you have enough wherewithal to share with others, is to open to the space, or energy state, Hawaiians call “Mana.” “Mana” means pure energy, Spirit, right from the Source.
The ancient Hawaiians taught a magical skill, or space, that many of us easily overlook in our modern society. This connection is the key to creating the results we want in our lives—and determines the difference between short-term fixes and long term results. I opened to this ancient Hawaiian gift of “Mana” with the help of my Kahuna teacher in Hawaii.
Most of the time, when we try to mani-fest what we want in life, we use our minds—and naturally so because that’s what we learned from our families, schooling and society. But when we mani-fest from our mind only, we miss the crucial ingredient that all creation comes from. That’s the “Mana” that the Hawaiians so grace-fully remind us to draw on.
So how can you access this Mana-festing energy? If not from the mind, then from where? There’s a place where the key to our “Mana” resides. And that space lies within your Heart.
You could also express the Hawaiian “Mana” as meaning pure power, creative energy. intention. “Fest” comes from a Latin word meaning festival, feast, celebration. So, our word “manifest” means to create a festival of pure intention from the Heart.
Abundance is a Way of Living
True abundance goes far beyond the art of sourcing money. We usually consider abundance to be material wealth. Yes, and it