Black haired witches Bitches with their goats Black robes and candles Rituals can begin! City of lust Incest and brutality City of sin Pleasures so sweet City of hell Born to deviation City of Sodom I await my death! Pagan gods dwell Within the city walls Satanic dominion Darkness prevails Naked bodies fuck Fornicate on christian altar Living in eternal lust Sodomites and blasphemers Sinning sex, bestial rape! Sadomatic rites, Agony and pain, paradise lost, Sadomatic rites, UNHOLY SONG FROM BEHERIT
Video Rating: 4 / 5

STYGGELSE – demo recording from 2008. THE THRONE A newer version is recorded for the Album ” Heir today God Tomorrow ” wich is soon to be released. Check it out.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@metlmick hes allready weeping, havent u heard his music? lol
fuckin perfect!
cool song ^^
@metlmick Indeed
since when is dimmu and cradle of filth black metal?
100% blasphemies vomit from hell…. hailz goat metal hell arghhhhhhhhh
@metlmick: I think Dani? Filth does that even when the thunder roars!
Good ol’ times. The outro riff is still as sick as i remembered!
Best song on the best album by Beherit imo
Drawing down the moon is a black metal masterpice!
Beherit!! Real Black Metal. Kicks the arse of the Dimmu’s and Cradle’s of the world! Way more atmosphere and vocals that would make Dani Filth crawl into a corner and weep!
I bought this album over ten years ago from JL America before they went out of business and have always wondered what the Hell the lyrics were. THANK YOU FOR INSERTING THEM 5simic!!!!! I like this song even fucking more now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:41 the definition of Black Metal.
Best Beherit song ever, gotta like the vocals. There not high pitched like other black metal bands. Makes it sound more dark.
Hail Beherit! If you are false do not entry or you will be burned and died!!!!!! HAIL to all you MANIAKS!!!
One of my favorite Beherit songs
Long live fuckin Beherit -!-
this is cool, cor these shit on both burzum and behexan, honestly who wants to listern to vocals that sounds like there in pain throughout the songs
Excellent!! New Black Metal, ummmmm I don’t know..This is the real shit!
Grave Desecration Black Metal!Worship Goat!!!!!!
One of all the best black metal bands of all the times! Hail Beherit!!!
one of the best blackmetal songs i have heard… Beherit is my favourite BM band
“Bad recording” was meant to be.
Anyway, Norway had good equipment, like all richs countries.