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anything in your home or office. provides the convenience your local drugstore,
prescriptions, all kinds of health and beauty products, and even
cleaning products – without ever leaving your home. The newest
efficiency tool is having your greeting cards sent out for you.
I wish I’d have thought of it! This one is really efficient.

There are millions of places to shop online for everything
imaginable. But with so many places to shop, it can become a
nightmare. Be sure to book mark your favorite stores and put
them in a separate folder for easy access. One of my favorites
is Barnes and Noble. You can find all kinds of books, movies and
music. My daughter has some different taste and I’ve been able
to find many of the strange titles she wants in stock there. She
wants to direct animated movies, so she’s into anime and a few
movies that came out of the UK. She finds some really off-beat
stuff that the rest of us never heard of.

Another of my favorites, especially between Halloween and
Christmas is Oriental Trading. They have tons of stuff for
Halloween. And for Christmas too. You can get a set of a dozen
really pretty blown glass ornaments for a few bucks. They make a
really nice gift. Just put them in a nicer box. Yep, Christmas.
If you really want to be efficient, start shopping now. Watch
the sales and the catalogs. Order one present a week and your
shopping will be done, and your budget won’t feel as bad as if
you did it all at once.

The Internet has even made the U.S. Post Office more efficient.
Can you believe that? They offer tons of services right on the
website. (

Using these tools, you too can be a master of efficiency and
have more time to do the things you want to

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