www.refugioaltiplano.org Scott Petersen of RefugioAltiPlano.org, Iquitos Peru, gives a detailed, coherent, crystal clear explanation of Ayahuasca ceremonies, chacruna and shamanism. Preserve the Rain Forest by taking Amazon Herbs for health: camu.amazonherb.net wecansavetheamazon.com It is so important for us to understand consciousness. It is just as important to place psychedelic drugs in general, and DMT in particular, into a personal and cultural matrix where we do the most good, and the least harm. In such a wide open area of inquiry, it is best that we reject no ideas until we actually disprove them. It is in the interest of enlarging the discussion about psychedelic drugs that I’ve written The Spirit Molecule. www.rickstrassman.com The magic molecule animating Ayahuasca is the fearsome and revered tryptamine known as DMT. Aside from its strength, DMT in both its natural and synthetic forms is unique for the similar sensations and visions shared by its supplicants. Unlike other man-made psychedelics like LSD, synthetic DMT takes many users to the same “place,” where they report meeting elfish, clown-like, and insectoid beings who frequently extend the same warm and welcoming message: “We’ve been expecting you.” This phenomenon is documented in Dr. Rick Strassman’s book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, which describes his remarkable findings over the course of the first FDA-approved psychedelic study in more than 20 years, conducted at the University of New Mexico Medical …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I was just down there less than a month ago, spending eight days (and five ayahuasca ceremonies) down at Scott Petersen’s jungle retreat. He is a great guy and he has a real depth of understanding. His retreat is 100% top notch, and about as nice as it gets for being clear out in the Amazon jungle. One of the guest quarters on his retreat is a freaking GIANT three story TREE HOUSE! Its like something from Walt Disney world. Its all nice, but I wished for air conditioning.
After all
@MWCstream I think just having someone that knows what to expect is helpful. Having a tripsitter or guide with any strong hallucinogen can’t hurt unless you know you do better alone. This isn’t to say you can’t do it alone, just be safe and increase dosage slowly as to test the waters, if the experience is too underwhelming wait a week and then up the dose a bit.
@MWCstream this guy seems pretty cool. personally i would stay away from shamans as many of the indigenous are very christian, which is at odds with spirituality for me, tho i’m sure there are good 1’s to. also itunlocks your own inner shaman if you’re open to that possibility. nice to have a good setting tho eh. it is difficult looking after myself on it as it can incapacitate you, tho being a very personal experience i don’t think i could be round folk. i agree that aya + chacruna is best…
Does it cost anything to live at this retreat?
@MWCstream it really helps to have a guide! the medicine is NOT childs play ;-] blessings!
Are there any real shamans left ? most of them are just in it for the money right ? if i am wrong let me know, but i anyone can buy ayahuasca from hundreds of sites online. why do they need someone like this guy ? no offense or anything. I am not trying to be negative just wondering.
im glad you help the cause so well
yes it is a FART…i belive you
Very well spoken, dear sir.
7:24 – A FART
this is the real deal!
last night i had my 4th ceremony …it was golden…thats all i can say after listening to him, he said it all
Very mature and intelligent !
Yes they have. By many MDs and heads of departments at leading Universities.
Charles Grob is one of them.
Scott will take care of all your needs solo or in a group, have fun, it is life changing!
I sent this video link out to half a dozen of my closest friends and family. Hopefully we can make a trip out to the Amazon together and each partake. Do you recommend any organized excursions or group trips?
It was quite miraculous up here in Norway to.
I haven’t tried it down in the Amazons, but what it did to me was literally “out of this world”! ^^.
Very well spoken, and lots of respect to all those who work for a better planet and a higher consciousness, as we all benefit from it.
it probably has not been as “they” know it’s power empirically. the puritanical society that we live in wrote it off as devil worship soon after pharmaceutical companies stole the plant knowledge from the shamans. 42% of all drugs get their impetus in the Rain Forest. people traditionally healed themselves with hallucinogenic plants, they have been the medicine of choice long before allopathic “quacks” came along. gov. tries to outlaw them as they work. u need sick people to make money off of.
How has this been tested empirically? Have the studies been peer reviewed?