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Another cross-examine nearly Hair Extensions..? ?
Ok, so after my first question, a few people said that getting the glue/bondong quill extensions aren’t good. My ahir’s really thick and so immediately I’m wondering about clip-on hair extensions. Like, how do they work? What’s a apt brand of them? Usually how much does real hair clip on…
I want to purchase a LIGHT, NATURAL looking foundation and don’t want to be taken good thing of by the sale?
people at the makeup counter. What products do I really need? What’s a well brought-up brand for African American skin? mineral makeup is other good for light coverage. If…
A Few Questions About Guinea Pig Droppings And Food And Cage! =D?
Ok now people, You know guinea pig droppings (Poo) I wanna produce sure they are dry and not wet.! Im pretty sure there dry surrounded by a pellet shape.?? Do i throw there poop in the bin when they poop or can…
AP Study Guide Books?
What is the best brand of AP review books for the following subjects? For the following AP classes: AP US History, AP Biology, AP Psych AP Psych- Princeton AP Bio- Cliffs AP US- REA (7th Edition) I’ve heard highly of Barron’s books, but they’re SAT books suck. I…
auditory guitars? oblige?
How much are acoustic guitars. are they easy to cram and what are some good and bad brands. they breadth between 100-5000 dollars depending on what brand they are. good starting
Any suggestions.