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acoustics are epiphone,about 100 dollars, ibanez, roughly speaking 250 dollars. They are pretty easy to learn if you embezzle the time. Acoustic…

Best open-handed of Laptops?
Whats the best brand of laptop? I have a Toshiba now but it’s an elder one. I’ve only seen one of the bright Toshibas and it didn’t seem that good. Is it better to own a bigger screen or smaller. I don’t really like those little tiny screen because you can’t see…

Do ”Birth Control Pills” Make Yu Gain Weight? And If Yes What Is The Best Brand To Get To Put On Weight?
I am 17 years old & I am thinking of becoming sexually active. I am also reasonably slim and would like to be more curvy. Will these pills make me put on immensity? …

dual-screen dvd players for the vehicle are they 2 different dvd players?
Or is it one DVD player with 2 screens so that funds what ever is playing both must watch the SAME thing ? What is the best brand out nearby ? And if you own these do you like ? started with…

Good amplifiers brands?
I want to know what are some good amplifiers brands, because I want to buy a mono amplifier but I don’t know what brand to buy, please not only communicate me one brand, tell me different brands for I can choose one? sony and pioneer worked for me. i broke my windows…

– graduation picture makeup .. best eyeshadow for ..?
– What’s the best eyeshadow brand & color for Blue/Green eyes ? THANKS I love MAC eye shadow because the pigment is so intense, colours are beautiful and they last ages. If you’re eye are blue or green you requirements colours that are NOT blue or…

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