what type of spectator sport feeders?
I`m looking for a game feeders one that works really good and ultimate a long time.also what type of feed could be used year round to attract deer.I have several that come around my house mostly does.what brand of feeders work the best and wont cost a ton of money?…
What Video demo device- Brand Name, Resolution Quality is best for Youtube?
I’m opening a youtube account and I want to put virtuous videos out there. Any suggestions? Thank You! Best for what? If freshly video, the key will be your video capture technique. After that, the editing and compression you use will be…
where on earth to get hold of virtuous hiking shorts contained by short amount of time?
for a week long backpacking trip in kentucky what brand length etc i need to buy them soon so they can wear surrounded by… i have a pair of long shorts and running shorts and also i enjoy…
Which shoes are best- Converse, DC, or Vans?? :)?
I like converse best. if you dont like any of them next put your fave brand of shoes. thnks Converse Vans too
I like skinny jeans so converse are best for me I can’t stand it when population have skinny legs…
Any suggestions.