From www.fast-rewind.com “This is one of Michael Schoeffling’s rare film appearances. He did this movie immediately after Sixteen Candles; and really did a fine job of playing Louden’s friend, Kuch. He had been a GQ fashion model in the mid-eighties prior to and during his film career. He disappeared from movies in the very early 90’s having only made about 10 movies. Many web sites in the later 90’s had started to wonder what had happened to this promising actor. The mystery remained for a few years before the answer was revealed. Michael had abandoned the spotlight to concentrate on a business building hand-crafted furniture in Pennsylvania.”
Video Rating: 5 / 5
“Now I know how your losing all that weight”. Classic.
One of the dopest characters in film history…
“Think light!” had to be my favorite.
Well know fact that the guy who played Kuch had to tone down his wrestling skills for matthew modine otherwise he would of wiped the floor with him well mat lol
LOL that’s Jake Ryan from 16 Candles I like his hair style in here though
I heard he said he didn’t want to spend his life waiting by the phone for a new role. Strange, considering his success. But hey, he’s probably incredibly successful at what he’s doing and loving it! Good on him!
I always laugh at the knuckleheads who think that this movie is about wrestling!
i always thought it was cooch…hmmm
Jeez, I’d be happy just to find some old ones that aren’t 75×75 on Google images, lol.
does somebody know where i can find Michael Schoeffling current photos?
Classic. Kuch, lol. Thanks for posting.
Those 80’s movie were the bomb!!!
didn’t remember this much profanity. Good video.
awesome video, wish someone would post the full movie of vision quest
Yeah his awesome, glad you enjoyed it