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his neck, but holding her arm back over her own head, and the other is used to facilitate penetration.

Both the man and woman bend their knees slightly, and come together very closely, like two spoons resting together. As penetration is made the couple move in unison with push and recoil.

This is the action, and as entry was made from the rear, both the g-spot and the clitoris are stimulated.

It is very much like a dance, and indeed the movements from new club dancing should be used if the couple understands how to do it.

The very term spontaneous often means that there is not enough time to prepare for all eventualities.

That means, that use of a condom may not be possible.

Therefore, while enjoying the spontaneity of the event, the man and woman must think where the man is going to finish. If inside the woman, then there is no problem, if outside (a term known as coitus interruptus ) the man should terminate in his own free hand, as not to cause a mess.

Remember time is of the essence here, and a quick dressing after the session will not be possible if the man is careless about where he deposits his sperm.

Finishing Up

There are other sexual positions possible for spontaneous sexual encounters, but the standing spoons is by far the best from the standpoint of mutual satisfaction, speed to penetrate, react and completion, and should it be interrupted or discovered, it is the fastest position to recover one’s equipoise.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with best sexual positions visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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